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Forasmuch as this epistle is the principal and most excellent part of the New Testament, and most pure evangelion, that is to say glad tidings and that we call gospel, and also a light and a way in unto the Holy Scripture, I think it meet, that every Christian man not only know it by rote and without the book, but also exercise himself therein evermore continually, as with the daily bread of the soul. No man verily can read it too oft or study it too well: for the more it is studied the easier it is, the more it is chewed the pleasanter it is, and the more groundly it is searched the preciouser things are found in it, so great treasure of spiritual things lies hid therein.
I will therefore bestow my labour and diligence, through this little preface or prolog, to prepare a way in thereunto, so far forth as God shall give me grace, that it may be the better understood of every man, for it has been hitherto evil darkened with glosses and wonderful dreams of sophisters, that no man could spy out the intent and meaning of it, which nevertheless of itself, is a bright light, and sufficient to give light unto all the scripture. How Paul useth certain words must be diligently understood.
First we must mark diligently the manner of speaking of the apostle, and above all things know what Paul means by these words, the Law, Sin, Grace, Faith, Righteousness, Flesh, Spirit and such like, or else read you it never so oft, you shall but lose your labor. This word Law may not be understood here after the common manner, and to use Paul’s term, after the manner of men or after man’s ways, that you would say the law here in this place were nothing but learning which teaches what ought to be done and what ought not to be done, as it goes with man’s law where the law is fulfilled with outward works only, though the heart be never so far off. But God judges the ground of the heart, yea and the thoughts and the secret movings of the mind, and therefore his law requires the ground of the heart and love from the bottom thereof, and is not content with the outward work only: but rebukes those works most of all which spring not of love from the ground and low bottom of the heart, though they appear outward never so honest and good, as Christ in the gospel rebukes the Pharisees above all others that were open sinners, and calls them hypocrites, that is to say simulars, and painted sepulchers. Which Pharisees yet lived no men so pure, as pertaining to the outward deeds and works of the law. Yea and Paul in the third chapter of his epistle unto the Philippians confesses of himself, that as touching the law he was such a one as no man could complain on, and notwithstanding was yet a murderer of the Christians, persecuted them, and tormented them, so sore, that he compelled them to blaspheme Christ, and was altogether merciless, as many which now feign outward good works are. Page 2, Folio cciii
For this cause the hundred and fifteenth Psalm calls all men liars, because no man keeps the law from the ground of the heart, neither can keep it, though he appear outward full of good works. For all men are naturally inclined unto evil and hate the law. We find in ourselves unlust and tediousness to do good, but lust and delectation to do evil. Now where no free lust is to do good, there the bottom of the heart fulfils not the law, and there no doubt is also sin, and wrath is deserved before God, though there be never so great an outward show and appearance of honest living. For this cause concludes saint Paul in the second chapter, that the Jews are all sinners and transgressors of the law, though they make men believe, through hypocrisy of outward works, how that they fulfill the law, and says that he only which does the law, is righteous before God, meaning thereby that no man with outward works, fulfils the law. You (says he to the Jew) teach, a man should not break wedlock, and yet break wedlock yourself. Wherein you judge another man, therein condemn you yourself, for you yourself do even the very same things which you judge. As though he would say, you live outwardly well in the works of the law, and judge them that live not so. You teach other men: and see a mote in another man’s eye, but are not aware of the beam that is in your own eye. For though you keep the law outwardly with works for fear of rebuke, shame and punishment, or for love of reward, advantage and vain glory, yet do you all without lust and love toward the law, and had rather a great deal otherwise do, if you did not fear the law. Yea inwardly in your heart, you would that there were no law, no nor yet God, the author and avenger of the law, if it were possible: so painful it is unto you to have your appetites refrained, and to be kept down. Page 3, Folio cciiii.
Wherefore then it is a plain conclusion, that you from the ground and bottom of your heart, are an enemy to the law. What prevails it now, that you teach another man not to steal, when you your own self are a thief in your heart, and outwardly would fain steal if you dared? Though that the outward deeds abide not always behind with such hypocrites and dissimulars, but break forth among, even as an evil scab or a pocke cannot always be kept in with violence of medicine. The law increaseth sin
You teach another man, but teach not yourself, yea you know not what you teach, for you understand not the law aright, how that it cannot be fulfilled and satisfied, but with an unfeigned love and affection, so greatly it cannot be fulfilled with outward deeds and works only. Moreover the law increases sin, as he says in the fifth chapter, because that man is an enemy to the law, forasmuch as it requires so many things clean contrary to his nature, whereof he is not able to fulfill one point or tittle, as the law requires it. And therefore are we more provoked, and have greater lust to break it. For which cause’s sake he says in the seventh Chapter, that the law is spiritual: as though he would say, if the law were fleshly and but man’s doctrine, it might be fulfilled, satisfied and stilled with outward deeds. The Spirit is required, ere we can keep the law before God.
But now is the law spiritual, and no man fulfils it, except that all that he does, spring of love from the bottom of the heart. Such a new heart and lusty courage unto the lawward, can you never come by of your own strength and enforcement, but by the operation and working of the Spirit. For the Spirit of God only makes a man spiritual and like unto the law, so that now henceforth he does nothing of fear or for lucre or vantages sake or of vain glory, but of a free heart, and of inward lust. The law is spiritual and will be both loved and fulfilled of a spiritual heart, and therefore of necessity requires it the Spirit that maketh a man’s heart free, and gives him lust and courage unto the lawward. Where such a spirit is not, there remains sin, grudging and hatred against the law, which law nevertheless is good, righteous and holy. To do the deeds of the law, and to fulfill the law, are two things.
Acquaint yourself therefore with the manner of speaking of the apostle, and let this now stick fast in your heart, that it is not both one, to do the deeds and works of the law, and to fulfill the law. The work of the law is, whatsoever a man does or can do of his own free will, of his own proper strength and enforcing. Notwithstanding though there be never so great working, yet as long as there remains in the heart unlust, tediousness, grudging, grief, pain, loathsomeness and compulsion toward the law, so long are all the works unprofitable, lost, yea and damnable in the sight of God. This means Paul in the third chapter where he says, by the deeds of the law shall no flesh be justified in the sight of God. Hereby perceive you, that those sophisters are but deceivers, which teach that a man may, and must prepare himself to grace and to the favour of God, with good works. How can they prepare themselves unto the favour of God, and to that which is good, when they themselves can do no good, no cannot once think a good thought or consent to do good, the devil possessing their hearts, minds and thoughts captive at his pleasure? Can those works please God think you, which are done with grief, pain and tediousness, with an evil will, with a contrary and grudging mind? Page 4, Folio ccv.
O holy saint Prosperus, how mightily with the scripture of Paul, did you confound this heresy, about (I trow) a twelve hundred years ago, or thereupon. To fulfill the law what it is.
To fulfill the law is, to do the works thereof and whatsoever the law commands, with love, lust and inward affection and delectation: and to live godly and well, freely, willingly, and without compulsion of the law, even as though there were no law at all. Such lust and free liberty to love the law, comes only by the working of the Spirit in the heart, as he says in the first chapter. The Spirit cometh by faith.
Faith cometh by hearing the glad tidings. Now is the Spirit none otherwise given, than by faith only, in that we believe the promises of God, without wavering, how that God is true, and will fulfill all his good promises toward us, for Christ’s blood’s sake, as it is plain in the first chapter. I am not ashamed says Paul, of Christ’s glad tidings, for it is the power of God, unto salvation to as many as believe. For at once and together even as we believe the glad tidings preached to us, the Holy Ghost enters into our hearts, and looses the bonds of the devil, which before possessed our hearts in captivity, and held them that we could have no lust to the will of God in the law. And as the Spirit comes by faith only, even so faith comes by hearing the word or glad tidings of God, when Christ is preached, how that he is God’s Son and man also, dead and risen again for our sakes, as he says in the third, fourth and tenth chapters. All our justifying then comes of faith, and faith and the Spirit come of God and not of us. Faith only justifieth.
Works spring of faith. Hereof comes it, that faith only justifies, makes righteous, and fulfils the law, for it brings the Spirit through Christ’s deservings, the Spirit brings lust, looses the heart, makes him free, sets him at liberty, and gives him strength to work the deeds of the law with love, even as the law requires. Then at the last out of the same faith so working in the heart, spring all good works by their own accord. That means he in the third chapter: for after he has cast away the works of the law, so that he sounds as though he would break and disannul the law through faith: he answers to that might be laid against, saying: we destroy not the law through faith but maintain, further or establish the law through faith. That is to say, we fulfill the law through faith. Sin
Faith is the mother of all good works, and unbelief of evil. Sin in the scripture is not called that outward work only committed by the body, but all the whole business and whatsoever accompanies, moves or stirs unto the outward deed, and that whence the works spring: as unbelief, proneness and readiness unto the deed in the ground of the heart, with all the powers, affections and appetites wherewith we can but sin. So that we say, that a man then sins, when he is carried away headlong into sin, altogether as much as he is, of that poison inclination and corrupt nature wherein he was conceived and born. For there is none outward sin committed, except a man be carried away altogether, with life, soul, heart, body, lust and mind thereunto. The scripture looks singularly unto the heart, and unto the root and original fountain of all sin, which is unbelief in the bottom of the heart. For as faith only justifies and brings the Spirit and lust unto the outward good works, even so unbelief only damns and keeps out the Spirit, provokes the flesh and stirs up lust unto the evil outward works, as happened to Adam and Eve in Paradise. Gen. three. Page 5, Folio ccvi.
For this cause Christ calls sin unbelief, and that notably in the sixteenth chap. of John. The Spirit, says he, shall rebuke the world of sin, because they believe not in me. And John eight he says: I am the light of the world. And therefore in the twelfth of John he bids them, while they have light, to believe in the light, that you may be the children of light: for he that walks in darkness knows not whither he goes. Now as Christ is the light, so is the ignorance of Christ that darkness whereof he speaks, in which he that walks knows not whither he goes: that is, he knows not how to work a good work in the sight of God, or what a good work is. And therefore in the ninth he says: as long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world: but there comes night when no man can work. Which night is but the ignorance of Christ in which no man can see to do any work that pleases God. And Paul exhorts Eph. four that they walk not as other heathen which are strangers from the life of God, through the ignorance that is in them. And again in the same chap. Put off (says he) the old man which is corrupt through the lusts of error, that is to say ignorance. And Ro. thirteen, Let us cast away the deeds of darkness: that is to say of ignorance and unbelief. And i. Pet. one, Fashion not yourselves unto your old lusts of ignorance. And i Jo. two, He that loves his brother dwells in light: and he that hates his brother walks in darkness, and knows not whither he goes, for darkness has blinded his eyes. By light he means the knowledge of Christ, and by darkness, the ignorance of Christ. For it is impossible that he that knows Christ truly, should hate his brother. Furthermore, to perceive this thing more clearly, you shall understand, that it is impossible to sin any sin at all except a man break the first commandment before. Now is the first commandment divided into two verses. Your Lord God is one God: and you shall love your Lord God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your power and with all your might. And the whole cause why I sin against any inferior precept, is that this love is not in mine heart: for were this law written in my heart and were full and perfect in my soul, it would keep mine heart from consenting unto any sin. And the whole and only cause why this love is not written in our hearts, is that we believe not the first part, that our Lord God is one God. For wist I what these words, one Lord and one God means: that is to say, if I understood that he made all, and rules all, and that whatsoever is done to me, whether it be good or bad, is yet his will, and that he only is the Lord that rules and does it: and wist I thereto what this word mine means that is to say, if mine heart believed and felt the infinite benefits and kindness of God toward me, and understood and earnestly believed the manifold covenants of mercy wherewith God has bound himself to be mine wholly and altogether, with all his power, love, mercy and might, then should I love him with all mine heart, soul, power and might, and of that love ever keep his commandments. So see you now that as faith is the mother of all goodness and of all good works, so is unbelief the ground and root of all evil and all evil works. Finally, if any man has forsaken sin and is converted to put his trust in Christ and to keep the law of God, does fall at a time: the cause is, that the flesh through negligence has choked the spirit and oppressed her and taken from her the food of her strength. Which food is her meditation in God and in his wonderful deeds, and in the manifold covenants of his mercy. Page 6, Folio ccvii.
Wherefore then before all good works as good fruits, there must needs be faith in the heart whence they spring. And before all bad deeds as bad fruits, there must needs be unbelief in the heart as in the root, fountain, pith and strength of all sin. Which unbelief and ignorance is called the head of the serpent and of the old dragon, which the woman’s seed Christ, must tread underfoot, as it was promised unto Adam. Grace.
Gift. Grace and gift have this difference. Grace properly is God’s favour, benevolence or kind mind, which of his own self, without deserving of us, he bears to us, whereby he was moved and inclined to give Christ unto us, with all his other gifts of grace. Gift is the Holy Ghost and his working whom he pours into the hearts of them, on whom he has mercy, and whom he favours. Though the gifts of the Spirit increase in us daily, and have not yet their full perfection: yea and though there remain in us yet evil lusts and sin which fight against the Spirit, as he says here in the seventh Chapter, and in the fifth to the Galatians, and as it was spoken before in the third Chapter of Genesis of the debate between the woman’s seed and the seed of the serpent: yet nevertheless God’s favour is so great, and so strong over us for Christ’s sake, that we are counted for full whole and perfect before God. For God’s favour toward us divides not herself, increasing a little and a little, as do the gifts, but receives us whole and altogether in full love for Christ’s sake our intercessor and mediator, and because that the gifts of the Spirit and the battle between the Spirit and evil lusts, are begun in us already. Of this now understand you the seventh chapter where Paul accuses himself as a sinner and yet in the eighth chapter says, there is no damnation to them that are in Christ, and that because of the Spirit, and because the gifts of the Spirit are begun in us. Sinners we are because the flesh is not full killed and mortified. Nevertheless inasmuch as we believe in Christ, and have the earnest and beginning of the Spirit, and would fain be perfect, God is so loving and favourable unto us that he will not look on such sin, neither will count it as sin, but will deal with us according to our belief in Christ, and according to his promises which he has sworn to us, until the sin be full slain and mortified by death. Faith is not the work of man.
Faith is not man’s opinion and dream, as some imagine and feign when they hear the story of the Gospel: but when they see that there follow no good works nor mendement of living, though they hear, and yet can babble many things of faith, then they fall from the right way and say, faith only justifies not, a man must have good works also, if he will be righteous and safe. The cause is when they hear the Gospel or glad tidings, they feign of their own strength certain imaginations and thoughts in their hearts saying: I have heard the Gospel, I remember the story, lo I believe. And that they count right faith, which nevertheless as it is but man’s imagination and feigning even so profits it not, neither follow there any good works or mendement of living. Page 7, Folio ccviii.
Right faith is of the working of the Spirit of God.
But right faith is a thing wrought by the Holy Ghost in us, which changes us, turns us into a new nature and begets us anew in God, and makes us the sons of God, as you read in the first of John, and kills the old Adam, and makes us altogether new in the heart, mind, will, lust and in all our affections and powers of the soul, and brings the Holy Ghost with her. Faith is a lively thing, mighty in working, valiant and strong, ever doing, ever fruitful, so that it is unpossible that he which is endued therewith, should not work always good works without ceasing. He asks not whether good works are to be done or not, but has done them already, ere mention be made of them, and is always doing, for such is his nature now: quick faith in his heart and lively moving of the Spirit drive him and stir him thereunto. Whosoever does not good works, is an unbelieving person and faithless, and looks round about groping after faith and good works, and knows not what faith or good works mean, though he babble never so many things of faith and good works. Faith what it is
Faith is then a lively and steadfast trust in the favour of God, wherewith we commit ourselves altogether unto God, and that trust is so surely grounded and sticketh so fast in our hearts, that a man would not once doubt of it, though he should die a thousand times therefore. And such trust wrought by the Holy Ghost through faith, makes a man glad, lusty, cheerful and true hearted unto God and to all creatures. By the means whereof, willingly and without compulsion he is glad and ready to do good to every man, to do service to every man, to suffer all things, that God may be loved and praised, which has given him such grace: so that it is impossible to separate good works from faith, even as it is impossible to separate heat and burning from fire. Therefore take heed to yourself, and beware of your own fantasies and imaginations, which to judge of faith and good works will seem wise, when indeed they are stark blind and of all things most foolish. Pray God that he will vouchsafe to work faith in your heart, or else shall you remain evermore faithless, feign you, imagine you: enforce you, wrestle with yourself, and do what you will or can. Faith is righteousness
Righteousness is even such faith, and is called God’s righteousness, or righteousness that is of valor before God. For it is God’s gift, and it alters a man and changes him to a new spiritual nature, and makes him free and liberal to pay every man his duty. For through faith is a man purged of his sins, and obtains lust unto the law of God whereby he gives God his honour and pays him that he owes him, and unto men he does service willingly wherewith soever he can, and pays every man his duty. Such righteousness can nature, freewill, and our own strength never bring to pass. For as no man can give himself faith, so can he not take away unbelief, how then can he take away any sin at all. Wherefore all is false hypocrisy and sin, whatsoever is done without faith or in unbelief, as it is evident in the fourteenth chapter unto the Romans, though it appear never so glorious or beautiful outwards. Page 8, Folio ccix.
Flesh what it is.
Flesh and spirit may you not here understand, as though flesh were only that which pertains unto unchastity, and the spirit that which inwardly pertains to the heart: but Paul calls flesh here as Christ does John three, All that is born of flesh, that is to wit, the whole man with life, soul, body, understanding, will, reason and whatsoever he is or does within and without, because these all, and all that is in man, study after the world and the flesh. Call flesh therefore whatsoever (as long as we are without the Spirit of God) we think or speak of God, of faith of good works and of spiritual matters. Call flesh also all works which are done without grace and without the working of the Spirit, howsoever good, holy and spiritual they seem to be, as you may prove by the fifth chapter unto the Galatians, where Paul numbers worshiping of idols, witchcraft, envy and hate among the deeds of the flesh, and by the eighth unto the Romans, where he says that the law by the reason of the flesh is weak which is not understood of unchastity only, but of all sins, and most specially, of unbelief which is a vice most spiritual and ground of all sins. Spiritual.
And as you call him: which is not renewed with the Spirit and born again in Christ, flesh, and all his deeds, even the very motions of his heart and mind, his learning, doctrine and contemplation of high things, his preaching teaching and study in the scripture, building of churches, founding of abbeys, giving of alms, mass, matence and whatsoever he does, though it seem spiritual and after the laws of God. So contrariwise call him spiritual which is renewed in Christ, and all his deeds which spring of faith, seem they never so gross as the washing of the disciples feet, done by Christ and Peter’s fishing after the resurrection, yea and all the deeds of matrimony are pure spiritual, if they proceed of faith, and whatsoever is done within the laws of God, though it be wrought by the body, as the very wiping of shoes and such like, howsoever gross they appear outward. Without such understanding of these words can you never understand this epistle of Paul, neither any other place in the Holy Scripture. Take heed therefore, for whosoever understands these words otherwise, the same understands not Paul, whatsoever he be. Now will we prepare ourselves unto the epistle. The first Chapter.
Forasmuch as it becomes the preacher of Christ’s glad tidings, first through opening of the law, to rebuke all things and to prove all things sin, that proceed not of the Spirit and of faith in Christ, and to prove all men sinners and children of wrath by inheritance, and how that to sin is their nature, and that by nature they can none otherwise do than to sin, and therewith to abate the pride of man, and to bring him unto the knowledge of himself, and of his misery and wretchedness, that he might desire help. Even so doth Saint Paul and begins in the first chapter to rebuke unbelief and gross sins which all men see, as the idolatry, and as the gross sins of the heathen were and as the sins now are of all them which live in ignorance without faith, and without the favour of God: and says. The wrath of God of heaven appears through the Gospel upon all men for their ungodly and unholy living. For though it be known and daily understood by the creatures, that there is but one God yet is nature of herself without the Spirit and grace so corrupt and so poisoned, that men neither can thank him, neither worship him, neither give him his due honour, but blind themselves and fall without ceasing into worse case, even until they come unto worshipping of images and working of shameful sins which are abominable and against nature, and moreover suffer the same unrebuked in other, having delight and delectation therein. Page 9, Folio ccx.
Second Chapter.
In the second Chapter he proceeds further, and rebukes all those holy people also which without lust and love to the law, live well outwardly in the face of the world and condemn others gladly, as the nature of all hypocrites is, to think themselves pure in respect of open sinners, and yet hate the law inwardly and are full of covetousness and envy and of all uncleanness, Mat. twenty three. These are they which despise the goodness of God, and according to the hardness of their hearts, heap together for themselves the wrath of God. Furthermore saint Paul as a true expounder of the law, suffers no man to be without sin, but declares that all they are under sin which of free will of nature, will live well, and suffers them not to be better than the open sinners, yea he calls them hard hearted and such as cannot repent. Third Chapter.
The law justifieth not: but uttereth the sin only and condemneth. In the third Chap. he mingles both together, both the Jews and the Gentiles, and sayeth that the one is as the other, both sinners, and no difference between them, save in this only, that the Jews had the word of God committed unto them. And though many of them believed not thereon, yet is God’s truth and promise thereby neither hurt nor diminished: And he takes in his way and alleges the saying of the fifty first Psal. that God might abide true in his words and overcome when he is judged. After that he returns to his purpose again, and proves by the scripture, that all men without difference or exception are sinners, and that by the works of the law no man is justified: but that the law was given to utter and to declare sin only. Then he begins and shews the right way unto righteousness, by what means men must be made righteous and safe, and says. They are all sinners and without praise before God, and must without their own deserving be made righteous through faith in Christ, which has deserved such righteousness for us, and is become unto us God’s mercystool for the remission of sins that are past, thereby proving that Christ’s righteousness which comes on us through faith, helps us only. Which righteousness, says he is now declared through the gospel and was testified of before by the law and the Prophets. Furthermore (says he) the law is helped and furthered through faith, though that the works thereof with all their boast are brought to naught and proved not to justify. Fourth Chapter.
Outward works are signs and witnesses of the inward faith. In the fourth Chapter (after that now by the three first Chapters, the sins are opened, and the way of faith unto righteousness laid) he begins to answer unto certain objections and quibblings. And first he puts forth those blind reasons, which commonly they that will be justified by their own works, are wont to make when they hear that faith only without works justifies, saying, shall men do no good works, yea and if faith only justifies, what needs a man to study in order to do good works? He puts forth therefore Abraham for an example, saying: what did Abraham with his works? was all in vain? came his works to no profit? And so concludes that Abraham without and before all works was justified and made righteous. Insomuch that before the work of circumcision he was praised of the scripture and called righteous by his faith only, Genesis fifteen. So that he did not the work of circumcision in order to be helped thereby unto righteousness, which yet God commanded him to do, and was a good work of obedience, So in likewise no doubt none other works help anything at all unto a man’s justifying: but as Abraham’s circumcision was an outward sign whereby he declared his righteousness which he had by faith, and his obedience and readiness unto the will of God, even so are all other good works outward signs and outward fruits of faith and of the Spirit, which justify not a man, but that a man is justified all ready before God inwardly in the heart, through faith and through the Spirit purchased by Christ’s blood. Page 10, Folio ccxi.
Blessed is he that hath his sins forgiven him.
Herewith now establishes saint Paul his doctrine of faith afore rehearsed in the third chapter, and brings also testimony of David in the thirty second Psalm, which calls, a man blessed not of works, but in that his sin is not reckoned and in that faith is imputed for righteousness, though he abide not afterward without good works, when he is once justified. For we are justified and receive the Spirit in order to do good works, neither were it otherwise possible to do good works, except we had first the Spirit. For how is it possible to do anything well in the sight of God, while we are yet in captivity and bondage under the devil, and the devil possesses us altogether and holds our hearts, so that we cannot once consent unto the will of God. No man therefore can prevent the Spirit in doing good: but the Spirit must first come and wake him out of his sleep and with the thunder of the law fear him, and shew him his miserable estate and wretchedness, and make him abhor, and hate himself and to desire help, and then comfort him again with the pleasant rain of the gospel, that is to say, with the sweet promises of God in Christ, and stir up faith in him to believe the promises. Then when he believes the promises, as God was merciful to promise, so is he true to fulfill them, and will give him the Spirit and strength, both to love the will of God and to work thereafter. So see we that God only (which according to the scripture works all in all things) works a man’s justifying, salvation and health, yea and pours faith and belief, lust to love God’s will, and strength to fulfill the same, into us, even as water is poured into a vessel, and that of his good will and purpose, and not of our deservings and merits. God’s mercy in promising and truth in fulfilling his promises saves us and not we ourselves. And therefore is all honor, praise and glory, to be given unto God for his mercy and truth, and not unto us for our merits and deservings. After that, he stretches his example out against all other good works of the law, and concludes that the Jews cannot be Abraham’s heirs because of blood and kindred only, and much less by the works of the law, but must inherit Abraham’s faith, if they will be the right heirs of Abraham forasmuch as Abraham before the law, both of Moses and also of circumcision, was through faith made righteous and called the father of all them that believe, and not of them that work. Moreover the law causes wrath, inasmuch as no man can fulfill it with love and lust, and as long as such grudging, hate and indignation against the law remains in the heart, and is not taken away by the Spirit that comes by faith, so long (no doubt) the works of the law, declare evidently that the wrath of God is upon us and not favour. Wherefore faith only receives the grace promised unto Abraham. And these examples were not written for Abraham’s sake only (says he) but for ours also to whom if we believe, faith shall be reckoned likewise for righteousness, as he says in the end of the chapter. Page 11, Folio ccxii.
The. v. Chapter.
Good works are the fruits of the Spirit. In the fifth chapter he commends the fruits and works of faith, as are peace, rejoicing in the conscience, inward love, to God and man: moreover, boldness, trust, confidence and a strong and a lusty mind and steadfast hope in tribulation and suffering. For all such follow, where the right faith is, for the abundant grace’s sake and gifts of the Spirit, which God has given us in Christ, in that he gave him to die for us yet his enemies. Now have we then that faith only before all works justifies, and that it follows not yet therefore that a man should do no good works but that the right shapen works abide not behind, but accompany faith, even as brightness doth the sun, and are called of Paul the fruits of the Spirit. Where the Spirit is, there it is always summer and there are always good fruits, that is to say: good works. This is Paul’s order, that good works spring of the Spirit, the Spirit comes by faith and faith comes by hearing the word of God, when the glad tidings and promises which God has made to us in Christ, are preached truly, and received in the ground of the heart without wavering or doubting after that the law has passed upon us and has damned our consciences. Where the word of God is preached purely and received in the heart, there is faith and the Spirit of God, and there are also good works of necessity whensoever occasion is given. Where God’s word is not purely preached, but men’s dreams, traditions, imaginations, inventions, ceremonies and superstition, there is no faith and consequently no Spirit that comes of God. And where God’s Spirit is not, there can be no good works, even as where an apple tree is not, there can grow no apples, but there is unbelief, the devil’s spirit and evil works. Of this God’s Spirit and his fruits, have our holy hypocrites not once known, neither yet tasted how sweet they are, though they feign many good works of their own imagination, to be justified withal, in which is not one crumb of true faith or spiritual love, or of inward joy, peace and quietness of conscience, forasmuch as they have not the word of God for them, that such works please God, but they are even the rotten fruits of a rotten tree. After that he breaks forth, and runs at large, and shews whence both sin and righteousness, death and life come. And he compares Adam and Christ together, thuswise reasoning and disputing, that Christ must needs come as a second Adam to make us heirs of his righteousness, through a new spiritual birth, without our deservings: even as the first Adam made us heirs of sin, through the bodily generation, without our deserving. Whereby is evidently known and proved to the uttermost, that no man can bring himself out of sin unto righteousness, no more than he could have withstood that he was born bodily. And that is proved herewith, forasmuch as the very law of God, which of right should have helped, if anything could have helped, not only came and brought no help with her, but also increased sin, because the evil and poisoned nature is offended and utterly displeased with the law, and the more she is forced by the law, the more is she provoked and set afire to fulfill and satisfy her lusts. By the law then we see clearly that we must needs have Christ to justify us with his grace, and to help nature. The. vj. Chapter.
Baptism is a witness between God and us that we have promised to mortify the lusts and sin that remaineth in the flesh. and etc. In the sixth he sets forth the chief and principal work of faith, the battle of the Spirit against the flesh, how the Spirit labours and enforces to kill the remnant of sin and lust which remain in the flesh, after our justifying. And this chapter teaches us, that we are not so free from sin through faith, that we should henceforth go up and down idle careless and sure of ourselves, as though there were now no more sin in us. Yes there is sin remaining in us, but it is not reckoned, because of faith and of the Spirit, which fight against it. Wherefore we have enough to do all our lives long, to tame our bodies, and to compel the members to obey the Spirit and not the appetites, that thereby we might be like unto Christ’s death and resurrection, and might fulfill our baptism, which signifies the mortifying of sins, and the new life of grace. For this battle ceases not in us until the last breath, and until that sin be utterly slain by the death of the body. Page 12, Folio ccxiii.
Not to be under the law what it meaneth
This thing (I mean to tame the body and so forth) we are able to do (says he) seeing we are under grace and not under the law, what it is, not to be under the law, he himself expounds. For not to be under the law is not so to be understood, that every man may do what him lusts. But not to be under the law, is to have a free heart renewed with the Spirit, so that you have lust inwardly of your own accord to do that which the law commands, without compulsion, yea though there were no law. For grace that is to say God’s favour brings us the Spirit, and makes us love the law, so is there now no more sin, neither is the law now any more against us, but at one and agreed with us and we with it. To be under the law what it is.
But to be under the law, is to deal with the works of the law, and to work without the Spirit and grace: for so long no doubt sin reigns in us through the law, that is to say, the law declares that we are under sin and that sin has power and dominion over us, seeing we cannot fulfill the law, namely within in the heart, forasmuch as no man of nature favours the law, consents thereunto and delights therein. Which thing is exceeding great sin, that we cannot consent to the law which law is nothing else save the will of God. This is the right freedom and liberty from sin and from the law whereof he writes unto the end of this Chapter, that it is a freedom to do good only with lust, and to live well without compulsion of the law. Wherefore this freedom is a spiritual freedom, which destroys not the law, but ministers that which the law requires, and wherewith the law is fulfilled, that is to understand, lust and love, wherewith the law is stilled and accuses us no more, compels us no more, neither has ought to crave of us anymore. Even as though you were in debt to another man, and were not able to pay, two manner ways might you be loose. One way, if he would require nothing of thee, and break your obligation. Another way, if some other good man would pay for you, and give you as much as you might satisfy your obligation withal. Of this wise has Christ made us free from the law: and therefore is this no wild fleshly liberty, that should do naught, but that does all things, and is free from the craving and debt of the law. The. vij. Chapter.
To be under the law. To be loose from the law. In the seventh he confirms the same with a similitude of the state of matrimony. As when the husband dies the wife is at her liberty, and the one loosed and departed from the other, not that the woman should not have power to marry unto another man, but rather now first of all is she free and has power to marry unto another man which she could not do before, till she was loosed from her first husband. Even so are our consciences bound and in danger to the law under old Adam the flesh, as long as he lives in us. For the law declares that our hearts are bound and that we cannot disconsent from him. But when he is mortified and killed by the Spirit, then is the conscience free and at liberty: not so that the conscience shall now naught do, but now first of all cleaves unto another, that is to wit Christ, and brings forth the fruits of life. So now to be under the law, is not to be able to fulfill the law, but to be debtor to it and not able to pay that which the law requires. And to be loose from the law, is to fulfill it and to pay that which the law demands, so that it can now henceforth ask you naught. Page 13, Folio ccxiiii.
Consequently Paul declares more largely the nature of sin and of the law, how that through the law sin revives, moves herself, and gathers strength. For the old man and corrupt nature, the more he is forbidden and kept under of the law, is the more offended and is pleased therewith, forasmuch as he cannot pay that which is required of the law. For sin is his nature and of himself, he cannot but sin. Therefore is the law death to him, torment and martyrdom. Not that the law is evil, but because that the evil nature cannot suffer that which is good, cannot abide that the law should require of him any good thing. Like as a sick man cannot suffer that a man should desire of him to run, to leap and to do other deeds of an whole man. For which cause saint Paul concludes, that where the law is understood and perceived of the bestwise, there it does no more but utter sin, and bring us unto the knowledge of ourselves, and thereby kill us and make us bond unto eternal damnation and debtors of the everlasting wrath of God, even as he well feels and understands whose conscience is truly touched of the law. In such danger were we ere the law came, that we knew not what sin meant, neither yet know we the wrath of God upon sinners, till the law had uttered it. So see you that a man must have some other thing, yea and a greater and a more mighty thing than the law, to make him righteous and safe. They that understand not the law on this wise, are blind and go to work presumptuously, supposing to satisfy the law with works. For they know not that the law requires a free, a willing, a lusty and a loving heart. Therefore they see not Moses right in the face, the veil hangs between and hides his face so that they cannot behold the glory of his countenance, how that the law is spiritual and requires the heart. I may of mine own strength refrain that I do mine enemy no hurt, but to love him with all mine heart, and to put away wrath clean out of my mind can I not of mine own strength. I may refuse money of mine own strength, but to put away love unto riches out of mine heart can I not do of mine own strength. To abstain from adultery as concerning the outward deed can I do of mine own strength, but not to desire in mine heart is as impossible unto me as is to choose whether I will hunger or thirst, and yet so the law requires. Wherefore of a man’s own strength is the law never fulfilled, we must have thereunto God’s favour and his Spirit, purchased by Christ’s blood. Nevertheless when I say a man may do many things outwardly clean against his heart, we must understand that man is but driven of divers appetites, and the greatest appetite overcomes the less and carries the man away violently with her. As when I desire vengeance, and fear also the inconvenience that is like to follow, if fear be greater, I abstain and if the appetite that desires vengeance be greater, I cannot but prosecute the deed, as we see by experience in many murderers and thieves, which though they be brought into never so great peril of death, yet after they have escaped, do even, the same again. And common women prosecute their lusts because fear and shame are away, when others which have the same appetites in their hearts, abstain at the least way outwardly or work secretly being overcome of fear and of shame, and so likewise is it of all other appetites. Page 14, Folio ccxv.
Flesh and Spirit fight together.
Furthermore he declares, how the Spirit and the flesh fight together in one man, and makes an example of himself, that we might learn to know that work aright, I mean to kill sin in ourselves. He calls both the Spirit and also the flesh a law, because that like as the nature of God’s law is to drive, to compel, and to crave even so the flesh drives, compels, craves and rages, against the Spirit, and will have her lusts satisfied. On the other side drives the Spirit, cries and fights against the flesh, and will have his lust satisfied. And this strife endures in us, as long as we live: in some more and in some less as the Spirit or the flesh is stronger, and the very man his own self is both the Spirit and the flesh, which fights with his own self until sin be utterly slain and he altogether spiritual. The. viij. Chapter.
In the eighth Chapter he comforts such fighters that they despair not because of such flesh, or think that they are less in favour with God. And he shews how that the sin remaining in us, hurts not, for there is no danger to them that are in Christ which walk not after the flesh, but fight against it. And he expounds more largely what the nature of the flesh and of the Spirit is, and how the Spirit comes by Christ, which Spirit makes us spiritual, tames, subdues and mortifies the flesh, and certifies us that we are nevertheless the sons of God, and also beloved, though that sin rage never so much in us, so long as we follow the Spirit and fight against sin to kill and mortify it. And because the chastising of the cross and suffering are nothing pleasant, he comforts us in our passions and afflictions by the assistance of the Spirit which makes intercession to God for us, mightily with groanings that pass man’s utterance, so that man’s speech cannot comprehend them, and the creatures mourn also with us of great desire that they have, that we were loosed from sin and corruption of the flesh. So see we that these three Chapters, the sixth, seventh, eighth do none other thing so much as to drive us unto the right work of faith, which is to kill the old man and mortify the flesh. The. ix. x. and. xj chapters.
In the ninth, tenth and eleventh Chapters he treats of God’s predestination, whence it springs altogether, whether we shall believe or not believe, be loosed from sin or not be loosed. By which predestination our justifying and salvation are clean taken out of our hands, and put in the hands of God only, which thing is most necessary of all. For we are so weak and so uncertain, that if it stood in us, there would of a truth no man be saved, the devil no doubt would deceive us. But now is God sure, that his predestination cannot deceive him, neither can any man withstand or let him, and therefore have we hope and trust against sin. Page 15, Folio ccxvi.
This do if thou wilt understand
But here must a mark be set unto those unquiet, busy and high climbing spirits how far they shall go, which first of all bring hither their high reasons and pregnant wits, and begin first from on high to search the bottomless secrets of God’s predestination, whether they be predestinate or not. These must needs either cast themselves down headlong into desperation or else commit themselves to free chance careless. But follow you the order of this epistle, and nuzzle yourself with Christ, and learn to understand what the law and the gospel mean, and the office of both two, that you may in the one know yourself, and how that you have of yourself no strength, but to sin: and in the other the grace of Christ. And then see you fight against sin and the flesh as the seven first chapters teach you. After that when you are come to the eighth chapter, and are under the cross and suffering of tribulation, the necessity of predestination will wax sweet and you shalt well feel how precious a thing it is. For except you have born the cross of adversity and temptation, and have felt yourself brought unto the very brim of desperation, yea and unto hell gates, you can never meddle with the sentence of predestination without your own harm, and without secret wrath and grudging inwardly against God, for otherwise it shall not be possible for you to think that God is righteous and just. Therefore must Adam be well mortified and the fleshly wit brought utterly to naught, ere that you may away with this thing, and drink so strong wine. Take heed therefore unto yourself, that you drink not wine, while you are yet but a suckling. For every learning has her time, measure and age, and in Christ is there a certain childhood, in which a man must be content with milk for a season, until he wax strong and grow up unto a perfect man in Christ, and be able to eat of more strong meat. The. xij. Chapter
In the twelfth Chapter he gives exhortations. For this manner observes Paul in all his epistles, first he teaches Christ and the faith, then exhorts he to good works, and unto continual mortifying of the flesh. So here teaches he good works indeed, and the true serving of God, and makes all men priests, to offer up not money and beasts, as the manner was in the time of the law, but their own bodies, with killing and mortifying of the lusts of the flesh. After that he describes the outward conversation of Christian men, how they ought to behave themselves in spiritual things how to teach, preach and rule in the congregation of Christ, to serve one another, to suffer all things patiently, and to commit the wreck and vengeance to God, in conclusion how a Christian man ought to behave himself unto all men, to friend, foe or whatsoever he be. These are the right works of a Christian man which spring out of faith. For faith keeps not holiday, neither suffers any man to be idle, wheresoever he dwells. The. xiij. Chapter.
Love is the fulfilling of the In the thirteenth he teaches to honour the worldly and temporal sword. For though that man’s law and ordinance make not a man good before God, neither justify him in the heart, yet are they ordained for the furtherance of the commonwealth, to maintain peace, to punish the evil and to defend the good. Therefore ought the good to honour the temporal sword and to have it in reverence, though as concerning themselves they need it not, but would abstain from evil of their own accord, yea and do good without man’s law, but by the law of the Spirit which governs the heart, and aids it unto all that is the will of God. Finally he comprehends and knits up all in love. Love of her own nature bestows all that she has and even her own self on that which is loved. You need not to bid a kind mother to be loving unto her only son. Much less spiritual love. Which has eyes given her of God, needs man’s law to teach her to do her duty. And as in the beginning he did put forth Christ as the cause and author of our righteousness and salvation, even so here sets he him forth as an example to counterfeit that as he has done to us, even so should we do one to another. Page 16, Folio ccxviii.
The. xiiij Chapter.
In the fourteenth Chapter he teaches to deal soberly with the consciences of the weak in the faith, which yet understand not the liberty of Christ perfectly enough and to favour them of Christian love, and not to use the liberty of the faith unto hindrance. But unto the furtherance and edifying of the weak. For where such consideration is not, there follows debate and despising of the gospel. It is better therefore to forbear the weak awhile, until they wax strong, than that the learning of the Gospel should come altogether underfoot. And such work is singular work of love, and where love is perfect, there must needs be such a respect unto the weak, a thing that Christ commanded and charged to be had above all things. The. xv. Chapter.
In the fifteenth Chapter he sets forth Christ again to be followed, that we also by his example, should suffer others that are yet weak, as them that are frail, open sinners, unlearned, unexpert, and of loathsome manners, and not to cast them away forthwith, but to suffer them till they wax better and exhort them in the meantime. For so dealt Christ in the gospel and now deals with us daily, suffering our unperfectness, weakness, conversation and manners, not yet fashioned after the doctrine of the Gospel, but smell of the flesh, yea and sometime break forth into outward deeds. After that to conclude with all he wishes them increase of faith, peace, and joy of conscience, praises them and commits them to God and magnifies his office and administration in the gospel, and soberly and with great discretion desires succor and aid of them for the poor saints of Jerusalem, and it is all pure love that he speaks or deals with all. So find we in this epistle plenteously, unto the utmost, whatsoever a Christian man or woman ought to know, that is to wit what the law, the Gospel, sin, Grace, Faith, Righteousness, Christ, God, Good works, Love, Hope, and the Cross are, and even where in the pith of all that pertains to the Christian faith stands and how a Christian man ought to behave himself unto every man, be he perfect or a sinner, good or bad, strong or weak, friend or foe, and in conclusion how to behave ourselves both toward God and toward ourselves also. And all things are profoundly grounded in the scriptures, and declared with examples of himself, of the fathers and of the prophets, that a man can here desire no more. This pistle to the Romans is the door into all the scripture: yea and the key that openeth it and bringeth men to the true understanding of it.
Wherefore it appears evidently, that Paul’s mind was to comprehend briefly in this epistle all the holy learning of Christ’s Gospel, and to prepare an introduction unto all the Old Testament. For without doubt whosoever has this epistle perfectly in his heart, the same has the light and the effect of the Old Testament with him. Wherefore let every man without exception exercise himself therein diligently, and record it night and day continually, until he be full acquainted therewith. Page 17, Folio ccxix.
The last Chapter.
The last chapter is a chapter of recommendation, Wherein he yet mingleth a good monition, that we should beware of the traditions and doctrine of men which beguile the simple with sophistry and learning that is not after the gospel, and draw them from Christ, and nuzzle them in weak and feeble and (as Paul calleth them in the epistle to the Galatians) in beggarly ceremonies, for the intent that they would live in fat pastures and be in authority, and be taken as Christ, yea and above Christ, and sit in the temple of God, that is to wit in the consciences of men, where God only, his word, and his Christ ought to sit. Compare therefore all manner doctrine of men unto the scripture, and see whether they agree or not. And commit thyself whole and altogether unto Christ, and so shall he with his Holy Spirit and with all his fullness dwell in thy soul. The sum and whole cause of the writings of this epistle, is, to prove that a man is justified by faith only: which proposition whoso denieth, to him is not only this epistle and all that Paul writeth, but also the whole scripture so locked up, that he shall never understand it to his soul’s health. And to bring a man to the understanding and feeling that faith only justifieth: Paul proveth that the whole nature of man is so poisoned and so corrupt, yea and so dead concerning Godly living or Godly thinking, that it is impossible for her to keep the law in the sight of God: that is to say, to love it, and of love and lust to do it as naturally as a man eateth or drinketh, until she be quickened again and healed through faith. And by justifying, understand none other thing than to be reconciled to God and to be restored unto his favour, and to have thy sins forgiven thee. As when I say God justifieth us, understand thereby, that God for Christ’s sake, merits and deservings only receiveth us unto his mercy, favour and grace, and forgiveth us our sins. And when I say Christ justifieth us, understand thereby that Christ only hath redeemed us, bought and delivered us out of the wrath of God and damnation, and hath with his works only, purchased us the mercy, the favour and grace of God, and the forgiveness of our sins. And when I say that faith only justifieth, understand thereby that faith and trust in the truth of God and in the mercy promised us for Christ’s sake, and for his deserving and works only, doth quiet the conscience and certify her that our sins be forgiven and we in the full favour of God. Furthermore, set before thine eyes Christ’s works and thine own works. Christ’s works only justifieth and make satisfaction for thy sin, and thine own works not: that is to say, quieteth thy conscience and make thee sure that thy sins are forgiven thee, and not thine own works. For the promise of mercy is made thee for Christ’s work’s sake, and not for thine own work’s sake. Wherefore seeing God hath not promised that thine own works shall save thee, therefore faith in thine own works can never quiet thy conscience nor certify thee before God (When God cometh to judge and to take a reckoning) that thy sins are forgiven thee. Beyond all this, mine own works can never satisfy the law or pay her that I owe her. For I owe the law to love her with all mine heart, soul, power and might. Which thing to pay I am never able while I am compassed with flesh. No, I cannot once begin to love the law, except I be first sure by faith that God loveth me and forgiveth me. Page 18, Folio ccxx.
Finally that we say faith only justifieth, ought to offend no man. For if this be true, that Christ only redeemed us, Christ only bare our sins, made satisfaction for them and purchased us the favour of God, then must it needs be true, that the trust only in Christ’s deserving and in the promises of God the Father made us for Christ’s sake, doth only quiet the conscience and certify her that the sins are forgiven. And when they say, a man must repent, forsake sin, and have a purpose to sin no more as nigh as he can and love the law of God: Ergo faith alone justifieth not. I answer, that and all like arguments are naught, and like to this. I must repent and be sorry, the Gospel must be preached me, and I must believe it or else I cannot be partaker of the mercy which Christ hath deserved for me, Ergo Christ only justifieth me not, or Christ only hath not made satisfaction for my sins. As this is a naughty argument so is the other. Now go to reader, and according to the order of Paul’s writing, even so do thou. First behold thyself diligently in the law of God, and see there thy just damnation. Secondarily turn thine eyes to Christ, and see there the exceeding mercy of thy most kind and loving Father. Thirdly remember that Christ made not this atonement that thou shouldest anger God again: neither died he for thy sins, that thou shouldest live still in them: neither cleansed he thee, that thou shouldest return (as a swine) unto thine old puddle again: but that thou shouldest be a new creature and live a new life after the will of God and not of the flesh. And be diligent lest through thine own negligence and unthankfulness thou lose this favour and mercy again. Farewell.
W. Tyndale
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-- 1 A APOSTLE Abba Above Abraham Abraham's Abstain Accept According Achaia Achaicus Adam After Again Against Alexander All Almighty Also Am Amen Ampliatus And Andronicus Another Antioch Apelles Apollos Apostle Apphia Apply Aquila Arabia Archippus Are Aretas Aristarchus Aristobulus' Armor Artemas As Asia Asyncritus At Athens Awake Baal Barbarous Barnabas Barnabas's Be Bear Because Before Behold Belial Benjamin Beware Bless Blessed Brethren Bring Brother But By COLOSSIANS CORINTHIANS Came Carpus Cause Cenchreae Cephas Certainly Cha Chap Chapter Charge Children Chloe Christ Christ's Christward Cilicia Circumcision Claudia Clement Colossae Comfort Conscience Consider Continue Contrariwise Corinth Corinthians Covet Crescens Cretans Crete Crispus Custom Dalmatia Damascenes Damasco Damascus David Dear Dearly Death Demas Despise Destroy Destruction Did Distribute Do Does Drink EPHESIANS EPISTLE Easter Either Elijah Emperor Emperor's Epaenetos Epaphras Epaphroditus Ephesians Ephesus Erastus Esau Eubulus Eunice Euodia Eve Even Every Everywhere Examine Except Exercise FIRST Faithful Father Fathers Fight Finally First Flee Follow Foolish For Forasmuch Forgive Fortunatus From Furthermore GALATIANS Gaius Galatia Galatians Gentile Gentiles Ghost Give God God's Godhead Godliness Gomorra Gospel Grace Greek Greeks Greet Hagar Haply Happy Has Hate Have He Heathen Hebrew Hebrews Hell Herefore Hermas Hermes Hermogenes Herodion Hierapolis Him Holy Honour Hosea How Howbeit Husbands Hymenaeus I Iconium If Illyricum Improve In Insomuch Is Isaac Isaiah Israel Israelite Israelites It Jacob Jambres James Jannes Jason Jerusalem Jesse Jesus Jesus' Jew Jew's Jewry Jewry-ward Jews Jews' John Judaea Judge Julia Junias Justus King Knowledge Labour Laodicea Laodiceans Lay Let Lie Likewise Linus Lois Look Lord Lord's Love Lucas Lucius Luke Lusts Lystra Macedonia Make Many Maranatha Mark Mary Meat Meats Methinks Miletus Mine Moreover Mortify Moses Mount Much My Narcissus Nay Need Neither Nereus Nero Nevertheless Nicopolis Night No Nor Not Notwithstanding Now Nymphas O OF Of Old Olympas On One Onesimus Onesiphorus Only Or Other Our Outward Owe PAUL PHILEMON PHILIPPIANS PISTLE Pacaciana Patrobas Paul Peace Peradventure Perceive Persis Peter Pharaoh Pharisee Philemon Philetus Philippi Philologus Phlegon Phoebe Phrigia Phygelus Pilate Pontius Pray Preach Prisca Priscilla Prove Provide Pudens Purge Put Quartus Quench ROMANS Rebecca Rebuke Receive Recompense Rejoice Remember Romans Rome Rufus S SECOND Sabaoth Sabbath Salute Sarah Satan Saviour Say Scripture Scythian See Seeing Seek Sent Servants Set Shall She Silvanus Sinai So Sodom Some Son Sosipater Sosthenes Spain Spirit Sprung Stachys Stand Stephanas Study Such Sunday Surely Syntyche Syria THE THESSALONIANS TIMOTHY TITUS TO Take Teach Tell Tertius Thanks That The Their Them Then There Therefore These Thessalonians Thessalonica They Thinkest This Though Thrice Till Timotheus Timothy Titus Titus' To Touch Tribute Troas Trophimos Trusting Tryphaena Tryphosa Tychicus UNTO Understand Unghostly Unto Upon Urbanus Verily Very Walk Warn Was Watch We Weep What Whatsoever When Where Wherefore Wherein Whether Which While Whitsuntide Who Whoever Whose Why Will With Withdraw Wives Woe Women Would Written Ye Yea Yes Yet You Young Your Zenas Zion a abhor abhorred abhorring abide abides abject able ableness abode abominable about above abroad absence absent abstain abstains abundance abundant abundantly abusers accept acceptable accepted accomplish accord according account accursed accusation accusers accusing acknowledge acknowledgement add added adds administrations admonition adoing adoption adultery advantage advantages adversaries adversary adversity afar affection affirm affliction afflictions afore aforetime afraid afresh after afterward again against age aged ago agreed agreeing agreement agrees aid air aknown alien aliens alike alive all allow allowed allows almost alone aloved already also altar altars altogether always am amen amend amiss among an anathema and angel angels angels' anger angry anguish annexed anointed another another's answer answering any anymore anything apart apostle apostles apostleship apparel appareled appear appearance appeared appearing appears appetites applied appointed approved apt archangel are arise armed armour arose array art as ascend ascended ascribed ascribes ashamed aside ask asked asking asleep asps assaults assemble assist assisted assured at ate atonement attain attained attendance authority avails avenge avoid await awake aware away awhile babes back backbiter backbiters backbitings backs bad baptism baptize baptized bare bareheaded bargaining barren basket be bear bearing bears beasts beaten beats beautiful beauty became because become becomes been before beforehand began begat beggarly begin beginning begins begotten beguile beguiled begun behalf behave behaved behavior behind behold beholding being belief believe believed believes believing bellies belly belongs beloved benefit benevolence berate beseech beseeching beside besought best bestow bestowed betoken betrayed better between bewail beware bewitched beyond bid bide birds birth bishop bishops bite bitter bitterness blame blamed blameless blames blaspheme blasphemer bless blessed blessedfulness blessedness blessing blessings blind blinded blindness block blood blow boast boasted boasters boasting bodies bodily body body's bold boldened boldly boldness bond bondage bondmaid bonds bones book books borders bore born borne both bottom bought bound bow bowed bowels brains brake branches brass brawlings bread breadth break breaker breakers breaking breastplate breath breed brethren bring bringers brings broided broken brother brother's brotherly brothers brought buffet buffeted build builder building builds built burden buried burn burned burns burnt business busybodies busyness but buy by call called caller calling calls came can canker cannot captive captivity care careful cares carnal carnally carried carry case cast castaway castaways casting caught cause caused causeless causer causes cease ceased ceasing celestial ceremonies certain certainty certified certifies certify chain chambering chamberlain chance change changed charge chargeable charged charges charitably chaste chastened cheer cheerful cheerfulness cherishes chief chiefest chiefly child childbearing childishness children choose chop chosen christened circumcised circumcision circumspectly cities citizens city clay cleanse cleansed clear cleave cleaves cloak cloaked cloaks clothed cloud clouds coals coasts cold come comely comes cometh comfort comfortable comforted comforts coming command commanded commanding commandment commandments commend commendable commended commit committed common commonly commonwealth communed communication companion companions company compare comparisons compassed compasses compassion compelled complete comprehend comprehended conceits concerning concluded concord concupiscence condemn condemnation condemnest condemns condition conditioned confess confidence confirm confirmed conformable confound congregation congregations conscience conscience' consciences consent consider considered considering consolation constrain constrained constrains consume consumed contained content continual continually continue continues contrariwise contrary convenient conversation convey coppersmith corn corner corrupt corruptible corruption cost costly could counsel counselor counsels count counted countenance countries counts couple coupled couples course courteous cousins covenant covenants cover covered covering covet covetous covetousness craftiness crafty created creation creature creatures cries crooked cross crown crowned crucified cry cumbered cumbrance cunning cup curse cursed cursing custom cut cymbal daily damnation damned danger dare dares dark darkness darts daughters day daylight days deacons dead deal deals dealt dear dearly death debate debtor debtors deceit deceitful deceivable deceivableness deceive deceived deceivers deceives declare declared decreed dedicat dedicated deed deeds deep deepness defend defile defiled defraud defrauded defrauding defyeth degree delectation delight deliver deliverance delivered delivers delusion demand denied denies deny depart departed departing depth descend descended described describes deserving desire desired desires desiring desirous desolate despaired desperate despise despised despisers despises despisest destitute destroy destroyed destroyer destruction determined devil devilish devils devour did die died dies difference differences differs digged diligence diligent diligentlier diligently diminishing disannul discommendable discord discreet discretely discretion discusses diseases dishonestly dishonor dishonors dishonour disobedience disobedient disobey disposed disposers dispraise disputations disputes disputing dissembled dissension dissention dissimulation distinction distribute distributed distributing distribution divers diverse diversities diversity divided dividing division do doctors doctrine doctrines doer doers does doest dogs doing domination done door doth double doubt doubting doubts dough down drank draw drink drinking drinks drown drunk drunkard drunkards drunken drunkenness due dumb dung duty dwell dwelling dwells dwelt dying ear earnest ears earth earthen earthy ease eat eating eats edified edifies edify edifying effect eighth either elder elders elect elect's election else end endeavor endless ends endures enemies enemy enforced enjoin enjoy enjoyed enmity enough entangles enter entered entering enticing entrance entreated envies envy envying epistle epistles equal equality equalness ere erred error escape escaped eschew especially establish established establishes estate esteem eternal evangelist evangelists even ever everlasting evermore every everything everywhere evident evidently evil exalt exalted exalts examine examined example examples exceed exceeding exceedingly excel excellent except excepted excess exclude excluded excuse excusing exercise exhort exhortation exhorted exhorts expedient experience expound expressed extends extortioner extortioners eye eyes fables face fail fain faint fainted fair faith faithful faithfulness fall fallen falling falls false falsely far fare farforth fashion fashioned fast fastened fasting fastings father father's fathers fathers' fatness fault faultless favour favoured fear feared fearing feast feeble feebleminded feed feeds feel feeling feet fell fellow fellow-servant fellows fellowship fervent fervently ferventness fetch few fierce fierceness fiery fifteen fight fighter fighters fighting figured fill filled fills filthiness filthy find finding finds finishes fire first fishes fists five flaming flattering flee flesh fleshly flock flow follow followed followers follows food fool foolish foolishly foolishness fools foot footed for forasmuch forbear forbearing forbid forbidding foreigners forever forgave forget forgive forgiven forgiveness forgives forgiving form formed fornication fornicator fornicators forsaken forsook forth fortune forty forward forwardly fought found foundation fountain four fourteen fourth frailness free freely freeman fret friendless from fruit fruitful fruits fulfill fulfilled fulfilling fulfills full fullness furtherance furthering gathered gathering gatherings gave gazingstock gender genders genealogies generations gentle gentleness get ghostly gift gifts gird give given giver gives giving glad gladly gladness glass glorified glorify glorious gloriousness glory gluttony go god godhead godliness godly gods goes gold gone good goodness goods gospel gospel's gotten governor governors grace graft grafted grandmother grant great greater greatly greatness greediness greedy greet greets grieve grieved grieves grievous groanings groans grossly ground grounded grow grows grudgingly guide guile guilty habitation had hair hall hand handle hands handwriting hangs haply happen happened happier happy harbor hard harlot harp harped has hasty hate hated haters hath hating hatred have having hay he head heady healing heap heapest hear heard hearers hearing hears heart heart's hearted heartily hearts heathen heaven heavenly heavens heaviness heed height heir heirs helmet help helper helpers helps henceforth her herbs here hereafter herefore herein heresy hereto herself hewn hid high higher him himself hinder hindered hindrance his hitherto hold holding holds holily holiness holy home honest honestly honesty honorable honour hope hope's hopes hospitable host hot hour house household households houses housewifely how howbeit humbled humbleness hundred hunger hungry hurt hurting hurts husband husbandman husbandry husbands hymns hypocrisy idle idol idol's idolaters idolatry idols if ignorancy ignorant ignorantly ii iii iiii image images imagination imaginations imagine imagined immediately immortal immortality improve imputed imputes in inasmuch incomers incontinency incorruptibility incorruptible incorruption increase increased increases increasing indeed indifferently indignation inexcusable inferior inferiors infidel infirmities infirmity inform information informed informer inherit inheritance inheritors iniquity ink inner innocents inordinately insomuch inspiration instance institution instruct instructed instructors instruments intend intended intent intercession intercessions interpret interpretation interpreter into invisible inward iron is it itch itself ix jangling jealous jealousy jeopardies jeopardy jesting joined joins joint joints journey journeying joy joyed joyfulness joying joyous judge judged judges judgest judgment judgments just justified justifier justifies justify justifying justly keep keeping kept kill killed kills kind kindness kindred kinds king kingdom kings kinsman kinsmen kiss knee knees knew knit know knowing knowledge knowledge's known knows labored laborers laboring labour laboured labourer labours lack lacked lacking laden laid lamb lands large largely last lately latter laudable law lawful lawfully lawyer lay laying lead leadeth learn learned learning least leave leaven leavens led left length less lest let letter letters lewd liars liberal liberality liberty lie lies life lifting light lighten lightness lights like likeminded likened likewise lion lips lists little live lived lives living lodging loins long long-sufferance longed longer longsuffering look looked looking looks loosed lord lords lordship loss lost love love's loved lovers loves low lower lowest loweth lucre lump lust lusted lusts lying made madness magnified magnify maintain maintainer majesty make maker makes making malediction malicious maliciousness man man's manifest manifold mankind manner manners mansion manslayers many mark marked market marks marriage married marry marvel marvelous master masteries masters mastery matter matters may me mean meaning means meant meantime measure meat meat's meats meddle mediator meekness meet melody member members men men's men-pleasers menstealers mention merciful mercifulness merciless mercy merry messenger messengers midst might mightily mighty milk mind minded mindful minds mine minister ministered ministering ministers ministration miracles miserablest misuse mocked modesty moment momentary months moon more mortal mortality mortify most mother mother's mothers mountains mourn mourning mouth mouths move moved much multiply murder murderers murmur murmured murmuring must muzzle my myself mysteries mystery naked nakedness name named namely names nation nations natural naturally nature naught nay nearer necessary necessity necks need needful needs neighbor neighbour neither nephews never nevertheless new nigh night no noisome none nor not nothing notwithstanding nought nourished nourishes nourishment now number nurse nurture obedience obedient obey obeyed observe observes obtain obtained occasion occasions occupies odor of off offence offer offered offering office officers offscouring oft often old olive on once one only open opened openly opens operation operations opinions opportunity oppositions or ordain ordained order ordinance ordinances other others otherwise ought our ours ourselves out outer outside outward outwardly over overcome oversight overtaken overthrow overthrown owe owes own ox oxen pain paradise parchment part partaker partakers partaking partiality partially partly partner parts pass passage passed passes passing passions past patience patient patiently pay peace peaceable pearls peculiar people peradventure perceivance perceive perceived perceives perdition perfect perfectly perfectness perform performed peril perilous perils perish perished perjured permitted persecute persecuted persecution persecutions persecutor perseverance person personally persons pertain pertaining pertains perverse pervert perverted petition philosophy physician piece pillage pillagers pillar pillars pipe piped pistle place places plain planted plants play pleasant please pleased pleasers pleases pleasing pleasure plenteous plenteously plenteousness plenty plow plows plucked poet poison poor possessed possessing possession possible potter poverty powdered power powers praise praise-worthy praised praises praiseworthy pray prayed prayer prayers praying prays preach preached preacher preaches preaching preachings precious predestinat preeminence preferment prefers prepare prepared prepares presence present presented presently preserved press prevail prevailed prevent prison prisoner prisoners prisonment proceed profess professed professing profession profit profitable profits promise promised promises prompt proof proper prophecies prophecy prophesied prophesies prophesy prophesying prophet prophets prosperous proud prove proved proves provides provision provoke provoked provoking prudent psalms published puffed punished punishment purchased pure purely pureness purge purloiners purpose purposed purposes put puts putting quantity quarrel quarters quench question questions quick quicken quickened quickening quickens quiet quietly quietness quit railer railings raiment raise raised raises ransom rather reached reaches read readiness reading ready reap reason reasonable rebelling rebellious rebuke rebuked rebukes receive received receives receiving reckoned recommendation recompense recompensed reconcile reconciled reconciling record redeem redeeming redemption redound refreshed refuse refused regarded regions reign reigned rejoice rejoiced rejoices rejoicing remain remaining remains remember rememberest remembering remembers remembrance remnant rendering renewed renewing repent repentance repented report reported reputation repute reputed request require required requires reserved resist resists respect rest resurrection retained returned revelation revelations reviled revived reward rich riches richly right righteous righteously righteousness rigorousness riot rioters 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signs silence silver similitude simulation sin since sinful sing singing single singleness sinned sinner sinners sins sister sister's sisters sit sits slain slandered sleep slept slew slow small smelling smells smite snare snares so sober soberness soft softness sold soldier some somewhat son song songs sons soon sore sorrow sorrowed sorrowful sorrowing sorrows sorry sort sought soul souls sound sounded sounding sounds sours sow sower sown sows space spake spare spared speak speaker speakers speaking speakings speaks specially speech speed spersed spirit spirits spiritual spiritually spoil spoiled spoken spot spread spring springs spy stable staggered stand stands star stars state stead steadfast steal steps still sting stir stirred stole stomach's stone stoned stones stop stopped store straightway strait stranger's strangers strength strengthed strengthen strengthened strengthens stretch stretched strife stripes strive striving strong stronger strongholds strongly stubble stubborn studied study stumbled stumbles stumbling subdue subdued subdues subduing subject subjection submit submitted submitting subtlety succored succour succoured such sudden suddenly suffer suffered suffering sufferings suffers sufficient sun superfluous supper supplication supplications supplied supplies supply suppose supposed supposing sure surely surmisings suspicious swallowed sweet swell swellings swells swift swims sword tabernacle table tables take taken takes taking talkers talking tame tangle tangled tarry taste taught teach teacher teachers teaches teaching tears tedious tell temperancy temperate temple temporal tempt temptation tempted tempter ten tender terrestrial testament testaments testified testify testimony than thank thanked thankful thanks thanksgiving that the thee their theirs them themself themselves then there thereby therefore therein thereof thereon thereto thereunto therewith these they thief thieves thine thing things things' think thinks third thirdly thirst 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unmarried unmovable unnatural unperfect unperfectly unprepared unprofitable unquietness unreasonable unrebukeable unrighteous unrighteousness unruly unsearchable unspeakable unspiritually-minded untaken unthankful until unto unwise unworthily up upon us use used using utmost utter utterance uttered uttering utterly v vain valor value vanish vanities vanity variance veil vengeance venger verily verity very vessel vessels vi victory vii viii vile vineyard virgin virgins virtue virtuous visible visions vocation voice voices voluptuousness wages wait wake walk walked walks wall wanton wantonness war ward ware warfare warn warned warning wars was washed wastes watch watching water watered waters waver wavering wax waxed way ways we weak weaklings weakness wealth weapons wearied weariness weary wedlock weep weeping weight well went wept were what whatsoever wheat when whence where whereby wherefore wherein whereinsoever whereof whereunto wherewith whether which while whisperers whisperings 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,QGXCHHZ4F'kBLYlgjZWwaJjZk_.~AqC6HHC4nfDe,QFg$O6jqeZjZk_,YxjrHoaJMaY",HHXPHvL8jZQ2:KNjrf=cnZ9Xt.B|jbX|f=IOlslgG^YxHvjcmQ.A$oPT7fvjZQoaJZdO8,Q^aJXn,dK,Q2,Xu,X4,bD,bh,HHGsm8TslgYg,H@Ab,H@CrHHH@DQ:m8bhCqifbF.AYSZjdG^jZDJNyYg.F@HHG^jYnGXkS=VTBBC-,Zbiebh.A$jZQOYxHHNbf=man4HHn4,m9jrNZHHHoNajf.~A$MQVTjZjwm8oPT7XB,m8G]muLqlgoPfpoPWuaJm oPT7XBjdHHR%G]HvoPT7WyCjEmaJF=K],m8V+F'kBX'oPnPlgfAj jZQ2m8V+VTBBC-.B|G^fWS1KPV_aJCH,V+c_kBi[,kBVQ,kBHCHHkBV2VTer,jYjZYGaJCHYfIObSHHcflgG^S}n1.~E'VG.A}.~CqjQjjIcCH,HHIcjZDJC-BB,m%f=WNdWHHNLH@UgHgVTUgWl,cTjZnt,IORS,IOV=VTfdajawaJfd.Cu,dy,QjnWG^XuHHO8.B|jZj`nGLY,myjrnGZ%iem"O8:KNGxjba8X 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*abashed~Feeling or caused to feel discomfited or disconcerted... "abashed, adj." OED_O_OUP SEP 2021. Web. 3 OCT 2021. *abject~abject people as a class; the downtrodden; outcasts. "abject, adj. and n." OED_O_OUP MAR 2022. Web. 13 May 2022. *agood~Vigorously, thoroughly, heartily; a good deal. "a-good, adv." OED_O_OUP SEP 2021. Web. 5 OCT 2021. *almery~almonry, Forms: 1500s almory -- A place where alms are or (now usually) were distributed; an office responsible for the distribution of alms. Also: the residence of an almoner, which in some cases also served as an almshouse or provided other accommodation. "almonry, n." OED_O_OUP MAR 2022. Web. 25 MAR 2022. *apace~apace, adv. i_literal._i At a pace, i.e. at a considerable or good pace; i_hence,_i With speed; swiftly, quickly, fast. | "apace, adv." OED_O_OUP SEP 2022. Web. 26 OCT 2022. *assoiled~To unloose the knot of (difficulty or doubt); to clear up, solve, or resolve; "assoil, v." OED_O_OUP DEC 2022. Web. 7 FEB 2023. *astonied~(Orig.) astunnyed -- b_astonied, i_adj._i 2._b Deprived for the moment of the power of action, dazed, paralysed. i_archaic._i "astonied, adj." OED_O_OUP MAR 2022. Web. 17 APR 2022. *astonned~astoned VLN astunned, i_adj._i Forms: Middle English-1500s astonned, i_Obsolete._i 1. Stunned, benumbed, stupefied, insensible. "astoned VLN astunned, adj." OED_O_OUP DEC 2021. Web. 27 JAN 2022. *Avoid~i_intransitive._i To move or go away, withdraw, depart, quit; to give place, retire, retreat. i_Obsolete._i -- "avoid, v., sense II.6.a". OXED July 2023, LThttps://doi.org/10.1093/OED/2473227481GT *balke|balckes~balk VLN baulk, i_n.1_i ... IV._b A beam of wood. ... b_11._b A tie-beam of a house, stretching from wall to wall. In old one-storey houses these were often exposed and used for hanging or placing articles on, or laid with boards so as to form a loft, called 'the balks.' | 1535 Bible (Coverdale) Zeph. ii. 14 Foules shal synge in the wyndowes and rauens shal syt vpon the balckes. | "balk / baulk, n.1." OED_O_OUP MAR 2023. Web. 12 JUL 2023. *barbed~barbed,_b i_adj.2_i Of a horse: Armed or caparisoned with a i_barb_i or bard. "barbed, adj.2." OED_O_OUP MAR 2022. Web. 28 MAR 2022. *behold, I will:[Bb]ehold\,\sI\swill\supon~ (See Jer. 23) | Jer. 23..8 Therefore thus saith the Lord: behold, I will upon the prophets. | Eze 13..2 Behold, I will upon you, saith the Lord. | Eze 21..1 Thus saith the Lord God: Behold, I will upon thee. | Eze 30..6 Therefore, thus saith the Lord God: Behold, I will upon Pharaoh the king of Egypt. | Eze 38..1 Thus saith the Lord God: O Gog thou chief prince Mesech & Tubal: behold, I will upon thee and will turn thee about. | Nah 2..3 Behold, I will upon thee, saith the Lord of hosts | Nah 3..2 Behold, I will upon thee (saith the Lord of hosts) *bisse~(orig. bysse) -- byss, n.1 == BYSSUS n. 1; Fine linen. "byss, n.1." OED_O_OUP DEC 2021. Web. 15 JAN 2022. *bolsters~bolster, A long stuffed pillow or cushion used to support the sleeper's head in a bed; | "bolster, n.1." OED_O_OUP MAR 2023. Web. 22 JUN 2023. *bordel~A house of prostitution, a brothel. "bordel, n." OED_O_OUP MAR 2022. Web. 8 APR 2022. *brimstone~Formerly the common vernacular name for sulphur n. and adj. -- Now used chiefly when referring to its inflammable character, and to the biblical use in Genesis xix. 24 and Revelation xix. 20; or in speaking of old-fashioned prescriptions, as ‘brimstone and treacle’. -- "brimstone, n." OED_O_OUP JUN 2022. Web. 12 JUN 2022. *buckler|bucklers~A small round shield | "buckler, n.2." OED_O_OUP SEP 2022. Web. 14 OCT 2022. *caul~ i_Anatomy._i Any investing membrane or structure, as the membranes of the brain. b_caul of the heart:_b apparently the pericardium; also i_figurative_i (from i_Hosea_i xiii. 8; cf. i_Joel_i ii. 13). i_Obsolete_i in general sense. | "caul, n.1." OED_O_OUP DEC 2022. Web. 24 DEC 2022. *cavillations~cavillation, In early use, i_esp._i The making of captious, frivolous, quibbling, or unfair objections, arguments, or charges, in legal proceedings; the use of legal quibbles, or taking advantage of technical flaws, so as to overreach or defraud; hence, chicanery, trickery, overreaching sophistry. i_Obsolete._i | "cavillation, n." OED_O_OUP DEC 2022. Web. 28 DEC 2022. *chambering~Characterized by self-indulgence or wantonness. -- "chambering, adj." OED_O_OUP SEP 2022. Web. 20 SEP 2022. *chawes~chaw, Usually in i_plural._i Jaws, chaps, fauces. "chaw, n.1." OED_O_OUP DEC 2021. Web. 27 JAN 2022. *cleave:cleave(s|d|th){0,1}\s(unto|to|naught|so\sfast|fast)~To remain steadfast, stand fast, abide, continue. Obsolete. | OXED s.v. "cleave, v.2, sense 5", JUL 2023. LThttps://doi.org/10.1093/OED/6695707821GT *close:in\sthy\sclose~An enclosed field -- "close, n.¹, sense I.2". OXED July 2023, LThttps://doi.org/10.1093/OED/7221550605GT *clout|clouts~Piece, patch, flat piece, shred. "clout, n.1." OED_O_OUP MAR 2022. Web. 25 MAR 2022. *Cockatrice|cockatrice|Cockatrices~A mythical reptile with a lethal gaze or breath | "cockatrice, n." OED_O_OUP DEC 2022. Web. 16 FEB 2023. *Coloquintidas|coloquintida~The colocynth n. -- b_colocynth, i_n. _i _b The Bitter-apple i_(Citrullus colocynthis),_i a widely-cultivated plant of the Gourd family, the fruit of which is about the size of an orange, and contains a light spongy and extremely bitter pulp, furnishing the well-known purgative drug. Also the fruit of this plant, and the drug prepared from it. | "colocynth, n." OED_O_OUP DEC 2022. Web. 23 JAN 2023. *cote~A slight building for sheltering small animals, as sheep, pigs, fowls, or for the storage of anything; a shed, stall; i_spec._i a sheep-cote. "cote, n.1." OED_O_OUP DEC 2021. Web. 6 JAN 2022. *cracknel|cracknels~A light, crisp kind of biscuit, of a curved or hollowed shape. "cracknel, n." OED_O_OUP DEC 2021. Web. 18 JAN 2022. *crakes~ i_intransitive._i To utter a harsh grating cry: said of the crow, quail, corncrake, etc. "crake, v.1." OED_O_OUP MAR 2022. Web. 28 MAR 2022. *cresset|cressets~A vessel of iron or the like, made to hold grease or oil, or an iron basket to hold pitched rope, wood, or coal, to be burnt for light; usually mounted on the top of a pole or building, or suspended from a roof. Frequent as a historical word; in actual use applied to a fire-basket for giving light on a wharf, etc. "cresset, n.1." OED_O_OUP MAR 2022. Web. 12 APR 2022. *cruse|cruses~ i_archaic._i b_a._b A small earthen vessel for liquids; a pot, jar, or bottle; also a drinking vessel. | "cruse, n." OED_O_OUP DEC 2022. Web. 22 JAN 2023. *curtesy~ b_courtesy, i_n._i ... 10._b A 'mannerly' or moderate quantity: == CURTSY i_n._i 4. i_Obsolete_i "courtesy, n." OED_O_OUP MAR 2022. Web. 30 MAR 2022. *daze|dazying~To gaze stupidly or with bewildered vision (after, upon). -- "daze, v., sense II.5.b". OXED July 2023, LThttps://doi.org/10.1093/OED/8715678726GT *delectation~The action of giving great pleasure to a person, the mind, etc.; enjoyment; delight; gratification; an instance of this. "delectation, n." OED_O_OUP MAR 2022. Web. 15 May 2022. *dight~ b_dight, i_v._i ... 14._b To prepare, make ready for use or for a purpose. ... b. To prepare, make ready (food, a meal); to cook; to prepare or mix (a potion or medicine). i_Obsolete._i | "dight, v." OED_O_OUP DEC 2022. Web. 3 MAR 2023. *dissemble:dissemble(s|d|r|rs|th){0,1}~To alter or disguise the semblance of (one's character, a feeling, design, or action) so as to conceal, or deceive as to, its real nature; to give a false or feigned semblance to; to cloak or disguise by a feigned appearance. -- "dissemble, v.1." OED_O_OUP JUN 2022. Web. 15 JUN 2022 *dissimulation~The action of dissimulating or dissembling; concealment of what really is, under a feigned semblance of something different; feigning, hypocrisy. | "dissimulation, n." OED_O_OUP MAR 2023. Web. 30 MAR 2023. *divers~Various, sundry, several; more than one, some number of. Referring originally and in form to the variety of objects; but, as variety implies number, becoming an indefinite numeral word expressing multiplicity, without committing the speaker to 'many' or 'few'. Now somewhat i_archaic_i, but well known in legal and scriptural phraseology. "divers, adj." OED_O_OUP MAR 2022. Web. 19 APR 2022. *ensue~To follow or seek after, strive to obtain, aim at. i_archaic._i Also i_intransitive_i with after. 1535 i_Bible_i (Coverdale) Psalms xxxiii. 14. Let him seke peace and ensue it. "ensue, v." OED_O_OUP MAR 2022. Web. 27 May 2022. *eschew:eschew(ed|ing|eth){0,1}~ i_transitive._i To avoid, shun. b_a._b To avoid, keep clear of, escape (a danger or inconvenience). Rarely with clause as object. "eschew, v.1." OED_O_OUP MAR 2022. Web. 13 May 2022. *farthing|farthings~A quarter of some particular denomination of money or measure.... The quarter of a penny; the coin representing this value. (Until 17th cent. chiefly a silver coin; subsequently of copper alloys; then of bronze.) In translations of the New Testament used for the two Roman coins i_as_i and i_quadrans,_i respectively the tenth and the fourth part of a denarius. "farthing, n." OED_O_OUP MAR 2022. Web. 23 APR 2022. *fen|fennes|fens~Low land covered wholly or partially with shallow water, or subject to frequent inundations; a tract of such land, a marsh. "fen, n.1." OED_O_OUP DEC 2021. Web. 3 FEB 2022. *festfull~feastful, adj. 1. Of or characterized by feasting; given to feasting; festive, joyful. Formerly also: marked by religious celebration (obsolete). | c1475 i_Life St. Anne_i (Trin. Cambr.) (1928) l. 109 (MED) -- We halow and worshyp...Of seynt Anne...the festfull memory. "festful, adj." i_OED Online_i. Oxford University Press, DEC 2021. Web. 19 JAN 2022. *fielddevils:field[\-\s]devils~(In biblical contexts) a demon believed to inhabit the desert. -- "field-devil, n.". OXED July 2023, LThttps://doi.org/10.1093/OED/5408232578GT *flacket~A flask, bottle, or vessel. "flacket, n.1." OED_O_OUP SEP 2021. Web. 8 OCT 2021. *flawns~A kind of custard of cheese-cake, made in various ways. Also, a pancake. Prov. -- as flat as a flawn. "flawn, n." OED_O_OUP DEC 2021. Web. 19 JAN 2022. *forcer~A chest, coffer, or casket. "forcer, n. 1." OED_O_OUP DEC 2021. Web. 4 JAN 2022. *frails~A kind of basket made of rushes, used for packing figs, raisins, etc.; the quantity of raisins, etc. (30 to 75 lbs.) contained in this. | "frail, n.1." OED_O_OUP DEC 2022. Web. 2 JAN 2023. *fray|frayed~To affect with fear, make afraid, frighten. | "fray, v.1." OED_O_OUP DEC 2022. Web. 17 FEB 2023. *furmenty~a dish of wheat boiled in milk and usually sweetened and spiced. Middle English frumente, furmente, from Anglo-French furmenté, from furment, frument grain, from Latin frumentum, from frui to enjoy -- “Frumenty.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, LThttps://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/frumentyGT. Accessed 19 Jul. 2022. *grotes~theoretically one-eighth of an ounce of silver b_2. b._b Used to translate Greek `draxmh or Latin denarius. "groat, n." OED_O_OUP MAR 2022. Web. 23 APR 2022. *gyves~A shackle, esp. for the leg; a fetter. | "gyve, n." OED_O_OUP DEC 2022. Web. 4 JAN 2023. *habergeon|habergeons~habergeon VLN haubergeon, i_n._i a._b A sleeveless coat or jacket of mail or scale armour, originally smaller and lighter than a hauberk n., but sometimes apparently the same as that. -- 1535 Bible i_(Coverdale)_i Rev. ix. 9 They had habbergions As it were habbergions of yron. -- "habergeon VLN haubergeon, n." OED_O_OUP JUN 2022. Web. 12 JUN 2022. *hallow:(un){0,1}hallow(ed|eth){0,1}~To honour as holy, to regard and treat with reverence or awe (esp. God or his name). -- "hallow, v.1." OED_O_OUP SEP 2022. Web. 21 SEP 2022. *hough|houghed~To disable by cutting the sinew or tendons of the hough...; to hamstring. | 1551 i_Bible_i (Matthew's) Josh. xi. 6 (R.) Thou shalt hough theyr horses, and burne their charettes with fyre. | "hough, v.1." OED_O_OUP SEP 2022. Web. 14 OCT 2022. *kirtell~kirtle, n.1 ... 2. (a) A woman's gown. (b) A skirt or outer petticoat. "kirtle, n.1." OED_O_OUP DEC 2021. Web. 6 JAN 2022. *Hyacinth~A blue or purple fabric: = jacinth n. 1c. i_Obsolete._i "hyacinth, n., sense 1.d". OXED July 2023, LThttps://doi.org/10.1093/OED/7543666523GT *jacinth~A precious stone. ... Rendering or representing Greek ὑάκινθος, Latin hyacinthus, ancient name of a precious stone of a blue colour, probably the sapphire. "hyacinth, n., sense 1.a". OXED July 2023, LThttps://doi.org/10.1093/OED/1187338698GT *Leviathan~The name of some aquatic animal (real or imaginary) of enormous size, frequently mentioned in Hebrew poetry. | 1382 i_Bible_i (Wycliffite, E.V.) Job xl[i.] 20 [21] Whether maist thou drawen out leuyethan with an hoc? | 1535 i_Bible_i (Coverdale) Psalms ciii[i.] 26 There is that Leuiathan, whom thou hast made, to take his pastyme therin. | b_2._b (After Isaiah xxvii. 1.) The great enemy of God, Satan. i_Obsolete._i | "leviathan, n." OED_O_OUP DEC 2022. Web. 18 FEB 2023. *lour:\blour(ed|est){0,1}~lour VLN lower, Of persons, their eyes, countenances, etc.: To frown, scowl; to look angry or sullen. Also, to be depressed or mournful. | "lour VLN lower, v." OED_O_OUP MAR 2023. Web. 14 APR 2023. *lucre:lucre('s){0,1}~Gain, profit, pecuniary advantage. Now only with unfavourable implication: Gain viewed as a low motive for action; 'pelf'. -- b_filthy lucre_b i_n._i dishonourable gain; (later in weakened use, esp. i_humorously_i) money. [After Hellenistic Greek `aisxron_kerdow (Titus 1:11; compare quot. 1526); compare post-classical Latin i_turpe lucrum_i (Vulgate), perhaps Tyndale's immediate model.] 1526 i_Bible_i (Tyndale) Titus i. f. cclxxxiij. Teachynge thyngs which they ought nott, because off filthy lucre [Gk. vv% aisxroy kerdoyw xarin %vv]. -- "lucre, n." OED_O_OUP MAR 2022. Web. 2 JUN 2022. *malediction~A curse; the utterance of a curse; the condition of being under a ban or curse. | 1526 i_Bible_i (Tyndale) Gal. iii. 10 For as many as are under the dedes of the lawe are vnder malediccion. | "malediction, n." OED_O_OUP SEP 2022. Web. 8 OCT 2022. *mansion|mansions~Chiefly in i_plural._i b_a._b Each of a number of separate dwelling places or apartments in a large house, group of buildings, etc. Also in extended use. Now usually archaic as a translation of, or in allusion to, John 14:2 -- "mansion, n." OED_O_OUP MAR 2022. Web. 2 JUN 2022. *maund:maund(e|es|s){0,1}~A basket made of wicker or other woven material, or (occasionally) of wooden slats, with a handle or handles. "maund, n.1." OED_O_OUP MAR 2022. Web. 22 MAR 2022. *merce|amerced~to punish by a fine whose amount is fixed by the court -- "Amerce." i_Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary,_i Merriam-Webster, LThttps://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/amerce.GT Accessed 15 Sep. 2023. *nether|nethermost~Designating the lower or bottom part (section, component, segment, etc.) of a person or thing. Also i_figurative._i | "nether, adj. and n." OED_O_OUP DEC 2022. Web. 7 FEB 2023. *or:\bor\sever~ -- OR, adv. (Obsolete) 1. Early, at an early hour; = ERE, adv. "or, adv. 1, prep., and conj. 2." OED_O_OUP December 2021. Web 8 December 2021. *overscaped~To overlook. "overscape, v., sense 2". OXED July 2023, LThttps://doi.org/10.1093/OED/2428541145GT *overthwart:over\s?thwart~Contentious, contrary; perverse, amiss; argumentative; hostile, unfriendly. -- "overthwart, adj., sense 2". OXED July 2023, LThttps://doi.org/10.1093/OED/6927509373GT *perceivance~The capacity or action of perceiving; mental or physical perception; discernment, wisdom, understanding; awareness, sense. "perceivance, n." OED_O_OUP MAR 2022. Web. 17 May 2022. *poulder~poulder -- b_powder, i_n.1_i Origin:_b A borrowing from French. Etymons: French pudre, poldre, poudre. | "powder, n.1." OED_O_OUP DEC 2022. Web. 22 FEB 2023 *predestinat~Destined by divine will, foreordained; predestined to a specified fate or to do something. i_Now rare._i "predestinate, adj. and n." OED_O_OUP MAR 2022. Web. 17 May 2022. *proffer|profferest~To bring or put before a person for acceptance; to offer, present. "proffer, v." OED_O_OUP SEP 2021. Web. 22 SEP 2021. *querne~A simple, typically hand-operated, device for grinding corn, etc., consisting of two stones, the upper of which is rotated or rubbed on the lower. Also: a small hand-mill for grinding pepper, mustard, etc. "quern, n.1." OED_O_OUP MAR 2022. Web. 12 MAR 2022. *quit:[Qq]uit\s(you|thy|my|him)~To behave or conduct oneself, esp. satisfactorily or in a specified way; to play one's part. Now rare and archaic. "quit, v., sense II.8.a". "quit, v.". OXED LThttps://doi.org/10.1093/OED/1163427842GT *go quit:(go|gone|scape|judged\shim|hath)\squit~quit, adj. Exempt or released from an obligation, debt, etc.; free, clear. "quit, v., sense II.6.a". "quit, v.". OXED LThttps://doi.org/10.1093/OED/1163427842GT *rail:\brail(ed|er|ing|ings){0,1}~Without prepositional complement. To utter abusive language; to complain persistently, to rant. | "rail, v.5." OED_O_OUP SEP 2022. Web. 17 NOV 2022. *reins~1 a: KIDNEYS b: the region of the kidneys : LOINS 2: the seat of the feelings or passions “Reins.” i_Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary,_i Merriam-Webster, LThttps://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/reinsGT. Accessed 29 Mar. 2022. *rigge~ridge bone,_b i_n._i b_Forms:_b Middle English b_rigge boone_b The spine or backbone (now i_rare_i) "ridge bone, n." OED_O_OUP MAR 2022. Web. 22 MAR 2022. *sallets~sallet VLN saslade,_b i_n. Historical_i b_1. a._b In medieval armour, a light globular headpiece, either with or without a vizor, and without a crest, the lower part curving outwards behind. "sallet VLN salade, n." OED_O_OUP MAR 2022. Web. 26 MAR 2022. *scrauleth~To move with a scrambling and shuffling motion. "scrawl, v.¹, sense 2". OXED April 2023, LThttps://doi.org/10.1093/OED/1186752632GT *several~Existing apart, separate. "several, adj., adv., and n." OED_O_OUP MAR 2022. Web. 11 MAR 2022. *shawme|shawmes~A medieval musical instrument of the oboe class, having a double reed enclosed in a globular mouthpiece. "shawm, n." OED_O_OUP DEC 2021. Web. 15 FEB 2022. *stews~A heated room used for hot air or vapour baths: hence, a hot bath. i_Obsolete_i exc. i_Historical_i or i_archaic._i ... b_4._b A brothel. (Developed from sense 3, on account of the frequent use of the public hot-air bath-houses for immoral purposes.) | "stew, n.2." OED_O_OUP MAR 2023. Web. 23 JUN 2023. *sundry~Separate, distinct, different. b_1._b Having a separate or distinct existence or status; not joined or united with another; esp. physically separated; standing apart. In Old English sometimes spec.: set apart for a particular purpose; special. i_Now Scottish._i -- "sundry, adj. and pron." OED_O_OUP JUN 2022. Web. 6 JUL 2022. *surfeit|surfeiting~To indulge in something to satiety or excess; esp. to eat or drink to excess; to feast gluttonously or over-abundantly (i_on, upon_i etc.); to gorge. | "surfeit, v." OED_O_OUP SEP 2022. Web. 23 NOV 2022. *tabret|tabrets~A small tabor; a timbrel. "tabret, n." OED_O_OUP MAR 2022. Web. 23 MAR 2022. *Taxus|taxus~Medieval Latin name of the badger: formerly sometimes used in English. | 1535 -- i_Bible_i (Coverdale) Ezek. xvi. 10 -- I made the shues of Taxus lether. | "taxus, n." OED_O_OUP March 2023. Web. 23 June 2023. *trow~To trust, have confidence in, believe (a person or thing). "trow, v." OED_O_OUP MAR 2022. Web. 2 APR 2022. *Tryacle|triacle~ b_treacle,_b i_n._i b_Forms_b: Middle English–1500s tryacle. b_I._b Original sense: chiefly Obsolete. b_1. a._b Old Pharmacology. A medicinal compound, originally a kind of salve, composed of many ingredients, formerly in repute as an alexipharmic against and antidote to venomous bites, poisons generally, and malignant diseases. "treacle, n." OED_O_OUP MAR 2022. Web. 19 MAR 2022. *unheal~ To uncover (something) so as to display or make visible; hence figurative, to discover, reveal, make patent or known. -- "unhele, v., sense 1". OXED July 2023, LThttps://doi.org/10.1093/OED/6819684949GT *unshamefast~Immodest. "unshamefast, adj." OED_O_OUP DEC 2021. Web. 23 DEC 2021. *waster:with\sa\swaster~A wooden sword or a foil used in sword-exercise and fencing. ... A cudgel, staff, club. | "waster, n.2." OED_O_OUP DEC 2022. Web. 29 JAN 2023. *wastels|wastell~Bread made of the finest flour; a cake or loaf of this bread. -- "wastel, n., sense 1". OXED July 2023, LThttps://doi.org/10.1093/OED/2355285744GT *wain|wayne~A large open vehicle, drawn by horses or oxen, for carrying heavy loads, esp. of agricultural produce; usually four-wheeled; a wagon. "wain, n.1" OED_O_OUP DEC 2021. Web. 8 FEB 2022. *welter~To roll or twist the body; to turn or tumble about; to lie and roll about; to writhe, to wriggle. "welter, v.1." OED_O_OUP DEC 2021. Web. 28 DEC 2021. *wen~A spot, blemish, stain. literal and figurative. Obsolete. (Confused with wem n.) ... 1535 Bible (Coverdale) Lev. xxii. 22 Yf it be blynde, or broken, or wounded, or haue a wen ... they shal offre none soch vnto the Lorde. -- "wen, n.1." OED_O_OUP JUN 2022. Web. 17 JUL 2022. *wethers~wether,_b i_n._i b_1. a._b A male sheep, a ram; esp. a castrated ram. "wether, n." OED_O_OUP DEC 2021. Web. 4 MAR 2022. *Whitsuntide~In early versions of the New Testament: the Jewish festival of Pentecost. i_Obsolete._i "Whitsuntide, n." OED_O_OUP MAR 2022. Web. 11 May 2022. *wist|Wist~To have cognizance or knowledge of; to be aware of; to know (as a fact or an existing thing). "wit, v.¹". OXED July 2023, LThttps://doi.org/10.1093/OED/2753707212GT *wit~To have cognizance or knowledge of; to be aware of; to know. -- "wit, v.¹". OXED July 2023, LThttps://doi.org/10.1093/OED/2753707212GT *wormwood~An emblem or type of what is bitter and grievous to the soul. "wormwood, n." OED_O_OUP MAR 2022. Web. 29 MAR 2022. *wot|Wot|wottest~To have cognizance or knowledge of; to be aware of; to know. -- "wit, v.¹". OXED July 2023, LThttps://doi.org/10.1093/OED/2753707212GT *wroth|wrothful|wrothfully~To become wrathful or angry; to manifest anger. | "wroth, v." OED_O_OUP MAR 2023. Web. 8 MAR 2023.
7.1.5~ |4. * From `faith to faith=: that is from a weak faith to a stronger, or from one battle of faith to another, for as we have escaped one jeopardy through faith, another invadeth us, through which we must wade by the help of faith also $|4. What followeth when men know the truth and love it not 7.1.7~ |11. To have pleasure in another man’s sin is greater wickedness than to sin thyself. 7.2.2~ ||| * The deserving of Christ is promised to be the reward of our good `deeds=: which reward yet our deeds deserve not. |7. * Deeds are an outward rightousness before the world and testify what a man is within: but justify not the heart before God: ner certify the conscience that the fore sins are forgiven. _the doers! 7.2.4~* `Circumcision= was a witness of the covenant between them and God and holp not but after as it put them in remembrance to believe in God and to keep the law. 7.3.4~ || * The law justifieth not before God, but uttereth sin only. _of the law! 7.3.5~ |||Justifying cometh by faith. 7.3.8~Faith justifieth. |4. * Faith `maintain=eth the law, because thereby we obtain power to love it and to keep it 7.4.1~ || * Deeds justify not before God: neither may a man before God put trust in them _by deeds! # # # # # # # # * `Blessed=fulness what it is. 7.4.2~ |6. Circumcision is the seal. 7.4.3~The promise cometh by faith # # # # # The law causeth wrath 7.4.5~ |4. Christ justifieth us. 7.5.1~ |Faith setteth us at peace with God. # # # # # * We are not ashamed of our hope for we are sure by the death of Christ that God loveth us and will bring our hope to pass. _And hope! 7.5.4~ || Adam’s disobedience damned us all ere we ourselves wrought evil. And Christ’s obedience saveth us all, ere we ourselves work any good. 7.5.8~* The `law= increaseth sin and maketh our nature more greedy to do evil: because the law ministereth no power ner lust to that she biddeth or to refrain from that she forbiddeth 7.6.4~ |10. Eternal life is the serving of Christ 7.7.3~ |Law maketh sin to be known. 7.7.4~ |5. * Sold under sin is to be made a bondman to do the will of sin only _sold! 7.8.1~ |7. * Sin is taken here for a sin offering after the use of the Hebrew tongue _by sin! 7.8.2~ |7. Christ’s Spirit is in all his, and the Spirit is life because it consenteth unto the law. And the body that is dead because it consenteth to sin, will that Spirit quicken at the last: give him lust to do the law, and will not suffer him to remain in sin. 7.8.4~ |8. The Spirit that maketh us sons and heirs by grace. # # * We must `suffer= with Christ if we shall reign with him in glory. 7.8.6~ | * First fruits: a taste and a certain portion and not the full gift of the Spirit. _first fruits^by hope! # * A`doption= that is the inheritance promised by grace. # * we are saved by hope: that is we hope to be delivered out of the corruption of our bodies into the glory that Christ now is in: and therefore faint not in our tribulations. # # # * God chooseth of his own goodness and mercy: calleth through the gospel: justifieth through faith and glorifieth through good works. 7.8.7~^ _are called! 7.8.9~* He that seeth what Christ hath done for him cannot but believe that God loveth him and will `love= God again. 7.9.1~ ||| What love doth. # # # Adoption is an inheritance by grace. 7.9.5~ || * The fleshly and proud mind that will be as wise as `God= must be mortified to learn to fear God and to obey him and to leave disputing with him. 7.10.1~ |7. The law driveth to Christ to be justified. 7.10.3~ |5. * Though faith justify from sin and though Christ deserved the reward promised yet is the promise made on the condition that we embrace Christ’s doctrine and confess him with word and deed. So that we are justified to do good works, and in them to walk to the salvation promised. _man! 7.11.1~ |12. * Grace and works are contrary things. _be of grace! 7.11.3~ |8. Do it with all diligence 7.12.1~True serving of God is to bring the body unto the obedience of the law of God. 7.12.2~ |5. * P`rophecy= is taken here for the expounding of scriptures: which in dark places must be expounded that it agree to the open places and general articles of the faith. 7.12.4~ | * `coals=. this thou shalt kindle him and make him to love. 7.13.1~Obedience # # # # # # # # # # # # * though thou were of power to resist the power, yet were thou damned in the `conscience= if thou didest it, because it is against God’s commandment. 7.13.2~ |10. Love is the fulfilling of the law. 7.13.3~ | * Christ which is our `salvation= is now nearer than when we looked for him in the Old Testament. # # * Armor of light faith, hope, love, the fear of God, truth and all that the light of God’s word teacheth. _Armor! 7.14.2~ |8. How weak soever we be we be Christ’s. And therefore to be favored for his sake. 7.14.4~ |||Common that is to say unclean # # # Our treasure is our knowledge. # # kingdom of God what it is. 7.14.5~ |4. To do against conscience is damnable. And all that is not of faith is sin. 7.15.1~He is strong that can bear another man’s weakness 7.16.1~ |10. First fruit that is the first that was converted to God. 7.16.2~ |6. * Paul would have the lay people learned to judge the prophets and to obey them according to knowledge only for all, `obedience= that is not after true knowledge is disallowed of God. 9.1.6~Preaching of the cross is the power of God. 9.1.7~ ||| Sign. # # # # # Christ is the power and wisdom of God. 9.1.8~ |10. * Christ is `wisdom=. and etc. And of him only ought we to hold and in him only to rejoice. 9.2.2~Perfect are they that understand the law, faith and works truly, and profess them. 9.2.3~The Spirit understandeth godly things. The natural man that is not renewed in Christ cannot perceive the things of God. 9.3.1~ |8. * The apostles and prelates are servants to preach Christ unto which doctrine only ought all obedience to be given. _ministers! 9.3.2~ |8. Christ is the foundation that beareth all. # # Day. 9.3.3~Temple. # # # In the kingdom of Christ we are subject to none save to Christ and his doctrine. 9.4.1~The Apostles are ministers. # # * `faithful= is he that preacheth his master and not himself. # # * Man’s day is man’s wisdom. _day! 9.4.3~The fashion of true Apostles 9.5.1~Fornication # # # # # # # # # # # * excommunication is to destroy fleshly wisdom that the spirit may be found in the doctrine of Christ. _Satan! 9.5.3~If any that professeth Christ be such: no nother Christian man may bear him company. 9.6.1~To go to law. 9.6.2~ |5. These and such like have no part in Christ. # # # # # # # Sanctifying and justifying come by Christ and his Spirit. 9.6.3~ |7. * Our `bodies= are the members of Christ. # # # # # # He that is of Christ: hath his Spirit. Ro. viij. 9.7.1~Of wedlock and virginity 9.7.6~ ||| * If a man have the gift, chastity is good, the more quietly to serve God. For the married have oft much trouble: but if the mind of the chaste be cumbered with other worldly business, what helpeth it? and if the married be the more quiet minded thereby, what hurteth it. Neither of itself is better than the other, or pleaseth God more than the other. Neither is outward circumcision or outward baptism worth a penny of themselves, save that they put us in remembrance to keep the covenant made between us and God. _present! 9.8.1~A little love is better than much knowledge. 9.8.2~ |4. One God # # One Lord. 9.8.4~In all our deeds we must have a respect to our neighbor’s wealth. # # # # # # # # # Charity what it doeth. 9.9.1~Paul proveth himself an apostle equal to the best: in that the Spirit beareth record to his preaching, and as many were by him converted as by the apostles. 9.9.2~ |4. The preacher hath right to challenge a living for his labour. 9.9.4~ |4. He that worketh of love to his neighbor, hath his reward. 9.9.5~what love maketh a man do. 9.10.1~As it went in the Old Testament, so shall it do in the new. 9.10.4~ |Cup |Bread 9.10.5~ |9. We have professed every man to seek another’s wealth. 9.10.6~ |5. * we should be so full of love and so circumspect, that we should give none occasion unto the ignorant for to speak evil on us for our liberty, and for doing that which we may lawfully do before God. _other! 9.10.7~ |4. Love seeketh her neighbor’s profit. 9.11.2~ |5. * P`ower= is as much to say as a sign that the woman is in subjection, and hath an head over her. 9.11.4~ |6. The Lord’s supper. 9.11.5~ || The institution of the sacrament. 9.12.1~Only the Spirit teacheth that Christ is the Lord. 9.12.2~One Spirit. # # One Lord, # One God # # * `The gifts= of the Spirit are given us to do service to our brethren. 9.13.1~ |4. * All `faith= is as much to say as so strong a faith 9.13.2~Love. 9.14.1~Prophesying is here taken for expounding, # # # # # # Words that are not understood profit not. 9.14.5~* to speak with tongues or with the `spirit=, is to speak that other understand not, as priests say their service. To speak with the mind is to speak that other understand, as when the preacher preacheth. # # * all deeds must be sauced with the doctrine of God, and not with good meaning only wit 9.14.6~^ _wit! 9.14.10~ || The woman must be in subjection to her husband. 9.15.2~The first principle of our faith. 9.15.4~ || Resurrection. 9.15.5~ | First fruits. 9.15.11~ ||| Image of Christ 9.15.12~ |5. Corruptible flesh and blood cannot and etc. 9.15.13~ |5. The law is the strength of sin. 9.16.5~ |First fruits. 9.16.6~ |4. * the same be accursed at the Lord’s coming. Or as: some will the same be excommunicat and accursed to death. _Maranatha! 11.1.3~ |4. * A`fflictions= or passions of Christ are such sufferings as Christ suffered. 11.1.6~Conscience. 11.1.8~ |7. * All the `promises= of God are given us only for Christ’s sake. 11.2.3~ |5. Savour. 11.3.3~ |7. * L`iberty= there the heart is not in bondage to do me ceremonies. But knoweth how to use all things, and understandeth that love is the end and the fulfilling of all laws. 11.4.2~ | God of this world. 11.4.3~ | The apostles are servants. 11.5.2~ |9. * Give all diligence that no man be offended or hurt by us or our ensample. _feared! 11.5.3~Christ’s servants seek Christ’s will, and not live at their own pleasure but at his. 11.5.4~ ||| A new creature. # # # * The atonement between God and man in Christ is the apostles’ office to preach. _Jesus Christ! |5. Sin is an offering for sin, as afore. Ro. viij. 11.6.1~ | * V`ain= that the word sown in your hearts: should be fruitless to your greater damnation. 11.6.2~ |5. * A`rmour= of righteousness: is the word of God with hope, love, fear. and etc. which Paul calleth the amour of light. Ro. xiij. 11.6.3~ |10. Temple. # Covenant. 11.10.3~ |16. * Let every man rejoice in that Christ died for him and not in the holiness of his own works. _Lord! 11.11.1~ ||| We be married to Christ and not to the preacher. 11.11.4~ |6. * Too much meekness and obedience is not allowed in the kingdom of God but all must be according to knowledge. _bondage! 11.12.4~Paul proveth by his signs that his authority was as great as the authority of the high Apostles. 13.1.1~Paul, though he came long after the apostles, yet had he not his authority of Peter or of any that went before him Neither brought he with him letters of recommendation or bulls of confirmation. But the confirmation of his apostleship was the word of good conscience of men and the power of the Spirit that testified with him by miracles and manifold gifts of grace. 13.1.3~^ 13.1.4~^ 13.1.6~ ||| Paul’s gospel was not confirmed by the authority of man: but by the miracles of the Spirit. 13.2.1~Paul defendeth the liberty of the gospel. # # # # # Paul is of as high authority as Peter James or John. 13.2.2~ |5. * Circumcision are the Jews and uncircumcision are the Gentiles. _the circumcision! 13.2.3~Paul rebuketh Peter in the face. # # # # # # # # # # # * D`eeds= of the law justify not: but faith justifieth. The law uttereth my sin and damnation, and maketh me flee to Christ for mercy and life. As the law roared unto me that I was damned for my sins: so faith certifieth me that I am forgiven and shall live through Christ. 13.3.2~ |4. The law curseth: but faith blesseth. (For faith) only maketh the conscience alive # # # # # # # # * Christ was `accursed= for our sakes. That is he was punished and slain for our sins. 13.3.4~The law. # # # # # # The law giveth no life but threateneth death. 13.3.5~ ||| * Faith maketh us `sons= and of the nature of Christ, and bindeth each to have other in the same reverence that he hath Christ. 13.4.2~ |4. Beggarly ceremonies. 13.4.3~ || Infirmity and temptation are persecution, rebuke, and the cross. 13.5.1~The liberty and freedom that we have in Christ ought every man to stand by. |7. * Faith which worketh through love is the true faith and all that God requireth of us _but faith! 13.5.2~ |6. * Christ’s `liberty= is a liberty of conscience and not of the flesh. 13.5.3~Flesh and spirit fight together. # # # # # Deeds of the flesh to commit such deeds maketh us under the damnation of the law. |4. * the `fruit= of the Spirit. # # These deeds testify that we are not under the damnation of the law. 13.6.1~The duty of every Christian man. 13.6.2~ | * The covenant of mercy in Christ is made only to them that will work. _deceived! 13.6.4~ |4. * Nothing helpeth save to be a new `creature=. 15.1.4~ |6. Predestination. 15.1.5~Redemption is the forgiveness of sins. # # # # * M`ystery= is secret counsel. # # # # # # predestination. 15.1.7~Where faith to Christ is, there is love to all that are sanctified in his blood. # # # # # # Hope. # # # * Faith is the work of God only, even as was the raising up of Christ. _believe! 15.2.1~ |6. * We be all by nature the children of wrath and heirs of damnation. _naturally! 15.2.2~The promises of mercy in Christ’s blood, are made us on that condition that we keep the law and love one another as Christ loved us. 15.2.3~ |5. * The Gentiles till Christ came were not under the covenant of mercy: but the Jews only. _testaments! 15.2.4~ | * Moses’ law, that was the `wall= and cause of hate between the Jews and Gentiles: is taken away. In whose stead is love come, to love one another as Christ loved us. 15.2.5~ || Foundation is the word of God. 15.3.1~Paul was an apostle to the heathen and learned his gospel by revelation. 15.3.3~ || * Where true `faith= in Christ is, there is love to thy neighbor. And faith and love maketh us understand all things. Faith understandeth the secrets of God and the mercy that is given her in Christ And love knoweth her duty to her neighbor, and can interpret all laws and ordinances and knoweth how far forth they are to be kept and when to be dispensed with. 15.3.4~^ 15.4.1~The living of a true believer. # # # # # One God # One Lord. # One faith. # One baptism 15.4.3~ |4. * Wherefore the true ministers of the congregation serve. Even to make us perfect men in the full knowledge of Christ. _age! 15.4.5~ |4. Ignorance is cause of evil living. $|11. Avenge not. # # # Steal not. 15.4.6~Filthy communication. # # # # They that have the Spirit of God shall be grieved to hear such things. 15.5.1~ |5. Ungodly communication strengtheneth the body against the spirit. # # These have no part with Christ. 15.5.3~ ||| Ignorance is cause of evil doing. 15.5.4~ | * R`edeeming= the time: that is spending the time well. 15.5.5~ |5. Husbands. # # * Baptism saveth through the word: that is through faith in the word according to the covenant made in Christ. _fountain! 15.6.1~Children. # Fathers. |13. Masters. # Christ hath purchased a reward for all things. 15.6.3~* The `armour= of God followeth: verity, the shoes of a steadfast purpose to follow the gospel: faith, the helmet of salvation: the word of God which is the sword. and. etc. 17.1.1~Bishops. # # Deacons. 17.1.8~ |7. * Tribulation is a token of salvation to the true believers. _suffer! 17.2.2~ |5. To follow Christ is our profession and so to humble ourselves, that we may be so exalted 17.2.3~ || * As ye be saved from sin through faith so work according to the covenant until ye come to the `salvation= of glory. For if ye cease working, the Spirit quencheth again, and ye cease to be partakers of the promise. 17.3.1~ |4. * We worship God in s`pirit= through faith and love. We rejoice that Christ hath redeemed us and trust not in our works. # # Christ only is our righteousness for his sake our sins are forgiven us. And for his sake our good works are accepted. Which else were damnable for the sin that is in them. $|7. * death. We must die with Christ if we will live with him. 17.3.2~^ _death! 17.3.3~ ||| * I look not on the works that I have done, but what I lack of the perfectness of Christ. _forget! 17.3.4~ |7. If we be like Christ in conversation, we shall be like him in glory. 19.1.4~ | * Where the `faith= of Christ is: there is love to the brethren. 19.1.6~ || Our redemption is the forgiveness of our sins. 19.1.7~ | * he is the `first= that hath the glory and new life of the resurrection. 19.1.9~* Passions or `sufferings= of Christ: is the passions which we must suffer for his sake. For we have professed and are appointed to suffer with Christ Jo. xx. As my father sent me, so send I you. # # # # # A true Apostle would have all men perfect in the knowledge of Christ and of his doctrine. 19.2.2~Philosophy and traditions of men # # # # Christ is sufficient # # # # # # # Faith is the working of God. 19.2.3~ || * The law is our `handwriting= in that the conscience setteth to her seal, subscribeth and consenteth that the law is just and we sinners, which law concerning damnation is taken away through faith in Christ. |4. * mark # # There is none other mark than Christ, ner other name to be saved by 19.2.4~^ _mark! 19.3.1~All the mercy that is set forth in the two upper chapters, is promised to them only that will follow Christ and live as hereafter followeth. 19.3.2~These members must be slain. 19.3.3~ |4. Every man is Christ to another 19.3.4~ |4. Christ’s ensample, of love. 19.3.5~Wives. # # Husbands. # # Children and fathers |9. Masters 19.4.1~ |6. * Salt is the wisdom of God’s word. _salt! 19.4.3~Mark the evangelist |10. Luke the Evangelist. 21.2.3~ |A sure token of a true apostle. 21.4.2~ |5. A good lesson for monks and idle freers. 21.4.3~Resurrection. 21.5.2~ |4. Faith is the breastplate and hope is the helmet. 21.5.5~* The s`pirit= whereby we believe in Christ and consent to the law, is quenched again with evil conversation and lewd communication. # # Examine all manner of learning. 23.1.4~ |6. * Tribulation is a `token= of salvation. 23.2.1~ |9. Antichrist 23.2.2~ |8. * Lying miracles because they testify a false faith. _lying! # # * where no `love= is to the truth on them doth God let slip false prophets to deceive them. 23.3.3~ |6. Excommunication. 25.1.1~ || Hope. 25.1.4~ |5. * Love is the end of the commandment and must interpret it _love! 25.1.7~The ground of the faith # # Paul is an ensample that none despair that can repent 25.1.8~ |5. Himeneus. # # Alexander. 25.2.1~ || * Will and etc. that is: will have the gospel preached to all men without exception, and offereth all men repentance and will have all men prayed for _will! # # * Christ is the only `mediator=. 25.2.2~Prayer. # # Women. 25.3.1~A bishop or an overseer what he ought to be. 25.3.2~deacons 25.3.3~The wives of the priests and deacons. 25.4.1~ |4. Hot iron 25.4.3~How a bishop or priest should behave himself in exhorting or rebuking. 25.5.1~ ||| widows 25.5.2~widows |8. * Whatsoever be used amongst us, if God be thereby dishonoured it ought to be broken. _damnation! 25.6.1~Servants. 25.6.3~ |4. Covetousness. # # # # # # O that we at a lawful age might confess and profess 25.6.4~Openly the faith and life of a Christian man. 25.6.5~Rich. 27.1.5~ | Putting on of hands. # # # # # # # # Purpose and grace. 27.2.2~ |4. Elect. 27.2.3~Covenants. 27.2.4~ |5. Himenos # Philetos 27.3.1~ |7. * This was prophesied of them that should pretend holiness. _similitude! 27.3.2~Iannes. # Iambres. # # # # # # # Persecution. 27.3.3~ ||| Scripture. 27.4.1~ |5. They that have no true faith ner lust to live godly, seeketh ever new doctors 27.4.3~ || Luke the evangelist 29.1.4~ || Elders which Timotheus calleth overseers. # # * B`ishop=s and elders is all one and an officer chosen to govern the congregation in doctrine and living. 29.2.1~ | Old men # # Old women. # # # # Young women. # # # # # Young men. 29.2.2~ |4. Servants. 29.3.1~Officers must be obeyed. 29.3.2~ || Mercy saveth. 31.1.6~ |15. Mark and Luke the evangelists.
7.1.4~ "let hitherto" -- hindered hitherto 7.12.3~ "To harbor" -- to give hospitality. 15.4.2~ "Wherefore he says: He is gone up on high, and has led captivity captive, and has given gifts unto men." || i_(See Psalms 68..7)_i Thou art gone up on high, thou has led cativity captive and received gifts, for men... 15.6.3~ "the armour of God" i_(see Isa. 59..3)_i 17.1.6~ 'Advantage' --vauntage Mng. i_gain, advantage_i 19.2.4~ "Or in respect of an holy day" -- i_(Orig.)_i or for a pece of an holydaye || 'Pece' --a bit, portion, a cup; piece. || vv% h en merei eorthw %vv || `h (particle) OR | `en_merei WITH REGARD TO (from) `merow (part.) --in contrast to the whole; matter, affair. | `eorth feast, festival. 23.2.1~ "so that he shall sit as God in temple of God" -- vv% vste ayton eiw ton naon toy ueoy kauisai %vv 23.3.1~ "To you ward" -- toward you. 27.2.4~ 'Praiseworthy' --laudable || 'Unghostly' -- Unspiritually-minded 31.1.6~ "If you count me a partner" -- i_(orig.)_i "felowe" -- b_fellow, i_n._i I._b A partner, companion, or peer of another specified person, and related senses. | "fellow, n." i_OED Online._i Oxford University Press, March 2023. Web. 12 May 2023. || 'Bowels' -- heart.